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Introduction - MAIN
Contact information - MAIN
Learning Outcomes
Introduction to Health Assessment
Health Assessment: Related Legislation
Clinical Judgement and Nursing
Priorities of Care
Guiding Approaches of Health Assessment
Health Promotion
Behavioural Health Promotion
Relational Health Promotion
Structural Health Promotion
Health Determinants
Integrative Approach to Health Promotion and Assessment
Clinical Judgement: Case Study
Key Takeaways
What is an Inclusive Assessment?
Moving Beyond Culture in Health Assessment
Moving Toward Anti-Oppression Perspectives in Health Assessments
Practical Considerations and Application of Inclusive Health Assessment
Inclusive Health Assessments with Indigenous Clients
Inclusive Health Assessments with Black Clients
Inclusive Health Assessments with LGBTQI2SA+
The Complete Subjective Health Assessment
Reasons for Conducting a Complete Subjective Health Assessment
Categories and Influencing Factors
Introductory Information: Demographic and Biographic Data
Main Health Needs (Reasons for Seeking Care)
The PQRSTU Assessment
Current and Past Health
Mental Health and Mental Illnesses
Functional Health
Preventative Treatments and Examinations
Family Health
Cultural Health
Care Partners
Cultural Safety
Health History Summary
Appendix A: Screening Recommendations and Organizations
Appendix B: Complete Subjective Health Assessment – Interview Guide
Introduction to Pain
Conceptualizing Pain
Classifying Pain
Reflecting on Your Own Biases
Racism and Pain Assessment
Pain Assessment
Timing and Frequency of Screening for and Assessment of Pain
Subjective Assessment Overview
Pain Assessment Tools
Unidimensional Pain Assessment Tools
Multidimensional Pain Assessment Tools
PQRSTU Mnemonic
Brief Pain Inventory
Pain Scales: Clients with Cognitive Impairment
FLACC Pain Tool
Pain Assessment in Critical Care
Summary: Subjective Assessment and Pain Assessment Tools
Objective Assessment
Trauma-informed Assessment
Preparing for the Objective Assessment
Infection Prevention and Control
Anatomical Locations
Closing of the Objective Assessment
Introduction to Anthropometric Body Measurement Assessments
Problematizing Anthropometric Body Measurement Assessments
Inclusive Approaches to Anthropometric Body Measurement Assessments
Weight and Height
Body Mass Index
Other Anthropometric Body Measurement Assessments
Children and Body Measurements
General Points to Consider in Vital Sign Measurement
Pulse Qualities
Radial Pulse
Carotid Pulse
Brachial Pulse
Apical Pulse
Respiration Technique
Pulse and Respirations Summary and Activities
Oxygen Saturation
Oxygen Saturation Levels
Oxygen Saturation Technique
Oxygen Saturation Summary and Activities
Blood Pressure
Factors That Influence Blood Pressure
Blood Pressure Ranges
How is Blood Pressure Measured?
Manual Blood Pressure Measurement
What Should the Healthcare Provider Consider?
Healthy Behaviours
BP Summary and Activities
Methods of Temperature Measurement
Temperature Ranges
Oral Temperature
Tympanic Temperature
Axillary Temperature
Rectal Temperature
Temperature Summary and Activities
Complete Set of Adult Vital Signs
Knowledge Integration
Case Study: Pediatric Client
Case Study: Adolescent Client
Case Study: Pregnant Adult Client
Case Study: Adult Client
Printable Flashcards
Introduction to Integumentary System
Starting Your Assessment
Subjective Assessment
Skin: Inspection
Skin: Palpation
Nails: Inspection and Palpation
Hair: Inspection and Palpation
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: Considerations and Interventions
Introduction to the Musculoskeletal System
Brief Scan: MSK System
Face, Neck, and Cranium
Arms, Hands, and Related Joints
Thoracic Cage and Spine
Legs, Feet, and Related Joints
Introduction to the Respiratory System
Brief Scan – Respiratory System
Nose and Sinuses
Posterior and Lateral Thorax - Inspection
Posterior and Lateral Thorax – Auscultation
Posterior and Lateral Thorax - Palpation
Posterior and Lateral Thorax – Percussion
Anterior Thorax - Inspection
Anterior Thorax - Auscultation
Anterior Thorax - Palpation
Anterior Thorax - Percussion
Introduction to the Cardiovascular System
Carotid Arteries
Jugular Veins
The Heart
Inspection of the Precordium
Palpation of the Precordium
Auscultation of the Heart
Auscultation of the Apical Pulse
Auscultation of the Cardiac Valves
Introduction to the Peripheral Vascular System
Inspection and Palpation of Hands and Arms
Inspection and Auscultation of Abdominal Vasculature
Inspection and Palpation of Feet and Legs
Introduction to Lymphatic System
Assessment of Lymphedema
Inspection and Palpation of the Lymph Nodes
Introduction to Gastrointestinal System
Oral Cavity - Inspection and Palpation
Abdominal Assessment
Abdomen - Inspection
Abdomen - Auscultation
Abdomen - Palpation
Abdomen - Percussion
Perianal Region - Inspection and Palpation
Introduction to the Neurological System
Brief Scan of the Neurological System
Glasgow Coma Scale
Introduction to Cranial Nerves
CN I – Olfactory Nerves
CN II – Optic Nerves
CN III, IV, and VI - Oculomotor, Trochlear, and Abducens Nerves
CN V - Trigeminal Nerves
CN VII - Facial Nerves
CN VIII - Vestibulocochlear Nerves
CN IX and X - Glossopharyngeal and Vagus Nerve
CN XI - Spinal Accessory Nerves
CN XII - Hypoglossal Nerves
Motor Function and Cerebellar Testing
Sensory Function Testing
Reflex Testing
Introduction to the Vestibulocochlear System: The Ears
Inspection and Palpation of External Ear
Otoscopic Examination
Hearing Assessment
Introduction to the Ophthalmic System
Brief Scan of the Ophthalmic System
External Eye Assessment and Anterior Eyeball Assessment
Central Visual Acuity Assessment
Peripheral Vision Assessment
Extraocular Eye Movement
Ophthalmoscope Examination
Chapter 7: Vital Signs
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Introduction to Health Assessment for the Nursing Professional (2024) Copyright © by . is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.