Chapter 7: Vital Signs

Pulse and Respirations Summary and Activities

Measurement of pulse and respiration is important because these vital signs provide current data about the client’s health and illness state. Changes in pulse and respiration act as cues for healthcare providers’ diagnostic reasoning.

Pulse can be measured in many locations. When determining the best location, healthcare providers consider the client’s age and health and illness state, as well as the reason for taking the pulse.

When determining the relevance of pulse and respiration data, healthcare providers consider the client’s baseline data and the situation. Diagnostic reasoning about pulse and respiration always considers additional information, including other vital sign measurements and subjective and objective client data.

Activity: Check your Understanding

Which is the correct technique for measuring the radial pulse?


Which image shows the correct method for measuring the apical pulse on a toddler?

Which image shows the correct method for measuring the apical pulse on an adult?


Watch this next short film clip and see how to measure radial pulse and respiration correctly. After watching the clip, try the technique yourself. You can watch the clip and practice as many times as you like.


Film clip: Pulse and respiration measurement


Watch this next short film clip and see how to measure an apical pulse correctly. After watching the clip, try the technique yourself. You can watch the clip and practice as many times as you like.


Film clip: Correct measurement of apical pulse


What is the apical pulse rate?

Listen to the audio clip of the apical pulse. Count the pulse for 30 seconds and report the rate as beats per minute (NOTE: although this clip only allows you to count for 30 seconds, remember, it is best to count the apical pulse for one minute).

Audio clip: Apical pulse


What is the apical pulse rate?

Listen to the audio clip of the apical pulse. Count the pulse for 30 seconds and report the rate as beats per minute (NOTE: although this clip only allows you to count for 30 seconds, remember, it is best to count the apical pulse for one minute).

Audio clip: Apical pulse


Count the respirations. Please note: there is no sound in this video.


Put the steps in the correct order for each of the pulses and respiration.