Chapter 7: Vital Signs

BP Summary and Activities

Blood pressure measurement is important because it provides objective data about the client’s health and illness state. Changes in blood pressure act as a cue for healthcare providers’ diagnostic reasoning. Blood pressure fluctuates with internal and external factors. Therefore, it is important to take more than one measurement before making clinical decisions.

It is always important to ensure correct techniques when taking blood pressure.

In determining the relevance of the blood pressure reading, the healthcare provider considers the client’s baseline blood pressure, previous readings, and health status. The blood pressure reading is always taken in conjunction with a pulse. Diagnostic reasoning takes into account blood pressure, pulse, and subjective and objective client data.

Activity: Check Your Understanding

Now you have an opportunity to find the errors in measurement techniques. The first activity involves watching a short film clip. Check it out!

What errors in technique is this healthcare provider making while taking blood pressure?

Film clip: Errors in blood pressure measurement


Now that you have completed the BP content, it’s time to test your knowledge. Try to answer the following questions (you may want to review parts of the chapter before answering).

Watch and listen to the Korotkoff sounds while blood pressure is taken in the audio clip. What is the systolic and diastolic blood pressure?

Audio clip: Korotkoff sounds


Watch and listen to the Korotkoff sounds while blood pressure is taken in the next audio clip. What is the systolic and diastolic blood pressure?

Audio clip: Korotkoff sounds



Which one of the two images below (Image A or Image B) demonstrates the correct way of putting the ear pieces of the stethoscope in your ears?

Is this a correct technique in terms of putting the stethoscope in the ears?

Image A


Is this a correct technique in terms of putting the stethoscope in the ears?

Image B