Chapter 6 – Anthropometric Body Measurement Assessment

Key Takeaways

  • Anthropometric body measurements are non-invasive and quantitative measurements related to body size and adipose tissue.
  • It is important to problematize the assessment and evaluation of anthropometric body measurements.
  • An inclusive approach to body measurement assessment is an approach that works towards ensuring that clients feel valued, involved, and heard.
  • Height refers to the distance upward (ie., how tall a person is) and is typically reported by healthcare professionals in metres/centimetres in Canada and weight refers to the amount that a person weighs (ie., how heavy they are) and is typically reported in kilograms in Canada.
  • Although it is important to be aware of the BMI formula, it is essential to be aware of how it is a flawed and racist health standard particularly for people of colour and for people with high muscle mass.
  • Other anthropometric body measurements used in healthcare settings include waist and hip circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, and waist-to-height ratio.