Chapter 16 – Vestibulocochlear System Assessment – The Ears

Coming in December 2024!


Dr. Jennifer Lapum, PhD, RN, Professor 1

Michelle Hughes, MEd, RN, Professor 2

Dr. Hasina Amanzai, PhD, NP-PHC, Assistant Professor 1

Evan Accettola, PN, RPN 1

Sheilagh Callahan, MScN, RN, Professor 3

Diane MacEachern, MScN, NP-PHC, Professor 2

Dr. Nadia Prendergast, PhD, RN, Assistant Professor 1

Farhad Rashidi, BScN student 1

Shelly Philip LaForest, MN, RN, Professor 2

Lisa Nadurata, NP-PHC 1

Tayiba Rahman, BScN student 1

Linegarole Manigat, BScN student 1

1 Toronto Metropolitan University

2 Centennial College

3 George Brown College


Funding for this project was provided by the Toronto Metropolitan University Learning and Teaching Grant.