Chapter 6 – Anthropometric Body Measurement Assessment


Shelly Philip LaForest, MN, RN, Professor 1
Michelle Hughes, MEd, RN, Professor 1
Dr. Lisa Seto Nielsen, PhD, RN, Associate Professor 2
Dr. Nadia Prendergast, PhD, RN, Assistant Professor 3
Maggie MacEachern, BA, MBA student
Diane MacEachern, MScN, NP-PHC, Professor 1
Raquel Lashley-Trambulo, MN(c), BScN, RN, Professional Practice and Simulation Coordinator 3
Dr. Erin Ziegler, PhD, NP-PHC, Assistant Professor 3
Michelle Simpson, MScN, RN 4
Safiyya LaForest, BSc student
Dr. Jennifer Lapum, PhD, RN, Professor 3

1 Centennial College

2 York University

3 Toronto Metropolitan University

4 George Brown College



Illustrator: Tayiba Rahman

Contact information

Shelly Philip LaForest, MN, RN, Professor, School of Community and Health Studies, Centennial College, Toronto, Ontario,

Dr. Jennifer Lapum, PhD, RN, Professor, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University), Toronto, ON., Canada, @7024thpatient