Chapter 7: Vital Signs

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eCampusOntario is a not-for-profit corporation funded by the Government of Ontario. It serves as a centre of excellence in online and technology-enabled learning for all publicly funded colleges and universities in Ontario and has embarked on a bold mission to widen access to post-secondary education and training in Ontario. This textbook is part of eCampusOntario’s open textbook library, which provides free learning resources in a wide range of subject areas. These open textbooks can be assigned by instructors for their classes and can be downloaded by learners to electronic devices or printed. These free and open educational resources are customizable to meet a wide range of learning needs, and we invite instructors to review and adopt the resources for use in their courses.

About BCcampus Open Education

The H5P interactive activities in this book were funded by an OER Grant provided by BCcampus Open Education. BCcampus Open Education began in 2012 as the B.C. Open Textbook Project with the goal of making post-secondary education in British Columbia more accessible by reducing students’ costs through the use of open textbooks and other OER. BCcampus supports the post-secondary institutions of British Columbia as they adapt and evolve their teaching and learning practices to enable powerful learning opportunities for the students of B.C. BCcampus Open Education is funded by the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training, and the Hewlett Foundation.

About the Authors

Jennifer L. Lapum, RN, PhD, MN, BScN, Professor, Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly named Ryerson University), Faculty of Community Services, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Toronto, ON, Canada

Margaret Verkuyl, NP:PHC, MN, Professor, Centennial College, School of Community and Health Studies, Toronto, ON, Canada

Wendy Garcia, RN, MS, BScN, Instructor, Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly named Ryerson University), Faculty of Community Services, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Toronto, ON, Canada

Oona St-Amant, RN, PhD, MScN, BScN, Associate Professor, Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly named Ryerson University), Faculty of Community Services, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Toronto, ON, Canada

Andy Tan, BScN, RN, Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly named Ryerson University), Faculty of Community Services, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Toronto, ON, Canada

Contact person

Dr. Jennifer L. Lapum
415-979-5000 ex. 556316
350 Victoria St.
Toronto, ON, M5B 2K3
Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing
Toronto Metropolitan University

Content Advisory Team

Susan Albanese Cairns, RN, MHS, BScN, Instructor, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Ryerson University, Hospital for Sick Children, Critical Care Department

Sheilagh Callahan, RN, MScN, BScN, Professor, Sally Horsfall Eaton School of Nursing, George Brown College

Jimmy Chen, RN, MScN, Professor of Nursing, School of Community and Health Studies, Centennial College

Mark Fox, RMT, BEd., Professor of Massage Therapy, Centennial College

Patricia Lee, PT, MEd, BSc, Professor of Occupational Therapist Assistant & Physiotherapist Assistant Program, School of Community and Health Studies, Centennial College

Janet O’Connell, RN, MAEd, Professor of Nursing & Year 2 Coordinator,  School of Community and Health Studies, Centennial College

Mary Sharpe, RM, PhD, MEd, Associate Professor, Midwifery Education Program, Ryerson University

Terrence M. Yau, MD, MSc, FRCSC, Angelo & Lorenza DeGasperis Chair in Cardiovascular Surgery Research, Director of Research, Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, University Health Network, Professor of Surgery, University of Toronto, Attending Cardiac Surgeon, Peter Munk Cardiac Centre

Student Advisory Team

Jessica Bregstein, BScN student, Ryerson, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree Program, Ryerson University

John Edwards, RMT, BScN student, Ryerson, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree Program, Ryerson University

Jill McKinlay, BA (Hons), BScN student, Ryerson, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree Program, Ryerson University

Christopher Nguyen, BSc, BScN student, Ryerson, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree Program, Ryerson University

Karen Owusu, BScN student, Ryerson, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree Program, Ryerson University

Mark Pezzetta, BSc (Hons), BScN student, Ryerson, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree Program, Ryerson University

Rezwana Rahman, BScN student, Ryerson, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree Program, Ryerson University

Renee Shugg, BScN student, Ryerson, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree Program, Ryerson University

Andy Tan, BScN student, Ryerson, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree Program, Ryerson University

Victoria Tos, BScN student, Ryerson, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree Program, Ryerson University

Medical Artists

Paige Jones

Hilary Tang, BScN, RN, Ryerson, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree Program, Ryerson University


Wendy Freeman, PhD, MSc, Director, Office of e-Learning, Associate Professor, Ryerson University, Faculty of Communication and Design, Toronto, ON, Canada

John Hajdu, Multimedia author and production consultant, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada

Nada Savicevic, MA Interactive Design, MArch, BSc (Eng), Instructional Designer, Office of e-Learning, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada

Ann Ludbook, MLIS, MA, BA, Copyright and Scholarly Engagement Librarian, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada

Sally Wilson, MLS, BA, Web Services Librarian, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada

About the 2nd Canadian edition H5P Team

H5P Development Team

Kymberley Bontinen, RN, MSN, CHSE, Health Sciences Experiential Learning Coordinator, BSN Instructor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Douglas College, BC, Canada

Barbara Metcalf, RN, MScN, Simulation Coordinator, BSN Instructor, Faculty of Health and Human Services, Vancouver Island University, BC, Canada

Lee-Anne Stephen, RN, MN, Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Fraser Valley, Chilliwack, BC, Canada

Michelle Hughes, MEd, BScN, RN, Professor, Collaborative Nursing Degree Program, School of Community and Health Studies, Centennial College

Margaret Verkuyl, NP:PHC, MN, Professor, Centennial College, School of Community and Health Studies, Toronto, ON, Canada

Faculty Advisory Team

Elizabeth Cavin, DHP, BDScDH, PID, Professor, Dental Hygiene Diploma Program, Vancouver Island University

Deborah Denhoff, RN, Instructor, Healthcare Assistant Program, Vancouver Island University

Debbie Jobb, RN, BSN, CCNE, Assistant Professor, Practical Nursing Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Fraser Valley

Jena Lenzi, RN, BA, BScN, MSN, BSPN Instructor, Psychiatric Nursing Degree Program, Douglas College

Ling Ma, RN, BSN, Nursing Educator, Practical Nursing Program, Vancouver Island University

Narcisa Peregrino RN, BSN, CNCC(C), MN(c), BSN Instructor, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program, Douglas College

Student Advisory Team

Pearl Allard, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Year 1, Vancouver Island University

Oliver Bailey, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Year 4, Vancouver Island University

Haley Cyr, Health Care Support Worker Program Term 3, Douglas College

Jessica Hayden, Practical Nursing Year 2, University of the Fraser Valley

Kimberly Meerse, Practical Nursing Year 2, University of the Fraser Valley

Jennifer Tong, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Year 2, Douglas College

Video Editor

Hannah Bontinen

Funding for the development of the H5P activities in this book provided by BCcampus.


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Part of the content of this textbook contains material from two Open Educational Resources (OERs). The OERs adapted include:

© Apr 10, 2017 OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology. Textbook content produced by OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 license. Download for free at

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