
The Creative Cloud Basics eBook began as a PDF file that Matthias Galus wrote for his first-year premedia classes at the Hochschule der Medien (Stuttgart Media Academy) in Stuttgart, Germany, the primary exchange partner of Ryerson University’s School of Graphic Communications Management (GCM) in Toronto. In fall 2018 Rich Adams from GCM went to HdM and taught in the first English-based print media program. Before going to HdM, Rich and GCM grad Barbara Nguyen translated Matthias’s book to English.

After returning to GCM, Rich began converting Creative Cloud Basics for Ryerson’s press books online authoring platform so that students from around the world could access it from the web, download it in various eBook formats, and order print copies. Several student teaching assistants, including Emilija Biga (GCM ’20), Afrah Idrees (GCM ’21), and GCM summer intern Mary-Anne Buerano (GCM ’21) contributed to the Pressbooks version by creating complex illustrations.


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Creative Cloud Basics Copyright © by Richard Adams and Mathias Galus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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