Module 2: Group Work Relationship Management

PART III: Group and Member Confidence

Confidence in one another abilities and knowing that the group can deliver on the expectations of the project are foundations of a successful group dynamic. Groups who are confident have a higher likelihood of success and greater capacity to handle challenges as they arise; therefore, cultivating group and member confidence is important to building a successful collaborative environment (Engleberg & Wynn, 2007)

Group Cohesion                               

Diversity and workgroup cohesion is required for effective performance — and in a workplace setting, it is required to achieve the company’s financial outcomes. Cohension is connected to the group’s degree of solidarity to create a unified and bonded unity. A weak group is essential a divided one (Tasca, 2021).

According Forsyth (2021, as cited by Tasca, 2021), cohesion in a group can be attributed to:

  • appeal of being part of the group,
  • dedication to tasks created by the group,
  • social categorization (the group is important to the individual and social identification with the group (the individual’s self-definitation is in part consistent with the group’s values” (p.207),
  • morale built by shared emotional experiences,
  • firm group foundation, and
  • perceived cohension or entativity (individuals are seen to act in unison or to display common features” (p.207).

The cooperation of group members can often be decided via a (1) cost-benefit analysis (which encourages the member to prioritize their personal gains for the good of the group), (2) need for acceptance by the individual members, and/or (3) personality characteristics inherit within the members (such as agreeableness) (Tasca, 2021).

Communication Apprehension

Communication apprehension is a group setting can often predict the communication behaviour of members of in a small group. Engleberg and Wynn (2007) identify that group members can either experience high communication or low communication apprehension.

  • High communication apprehension: talking in a group setting is high and causes feelings of anxiety.
  • Low communication apprehension: talking in group settings is low and causes minimal feelings of anxiety.

It’s normal to have individuals with high communication apprehension and low communication apprehension in a group. Finding common ground will be important and Table 2.3.1 below outlines strategies for each apprehension level.

Strategies for group members who experience high apprehension include:

  • coming preprepared,
  • working your communication skills,
  • re-laxing, re-thinking, and re-vision,
  • focusing on relaxation,
  • restructuring your perception,
  • practicing visualization, and
  • using systematic desensitization (Engleberg & Wynn, 2007)
Strategies for low apprehension may help their group members by:

  • being supportive of members who may lack confidence,
  • provide useful constructive feedback*,
  • include anxious members into the conversation, and
  • stop talking to let others speak if you are a compulsive talker (Engleberg & Wynn, 2007).

*Providing constructive feedback can be challenging. Remember to concentrate on the behaviour (as opposed to the person), detail the behaviour (as opposed to judging it), and discuss observations (as opposed to assumptions) (Engleberg & Wynn, 2007).

Table 2.3.1: Group Collaboration Strategies for High Communication Apprehension and Low Communication Apprehension Group Members

For group members (especially individuals who experience high communication apprehension), it’s also useful to confide with another group member as it may be helpful to dispel certain misperceptions which could have formed. It’s important to note that all members will experience some form of apprehension and anxiety during the group collaboration process and having coping mechanisms in place will benefit themselves and the group as a whole.

“Anxiety is the hand maiden of creativity.” – T.S. Eliot, British Poet



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Cultivating Successful Small Group Dynamics Copyright © 2023 by Catherine Jenkins and Dianne Nubla is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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