Guidance for facilitators 带领者指南

ACE-LYNX Group Facilitation Tasks & Tips ACE-LYNX小组带领任务 & 窍门提示

*A PDF of all the worksheets for the training participants can be downloaded from here 本手册所有工作表的 PDF 版本可以从此处下载: Linking Heart Worksheets “心相连,培韧性”工作表

  1. Help participants feel safe to participate and share 提升组员的安全感,增强组员的分享意愿
  • Develop guidelines at the beginning of the group to help establish safety; if the guidelines can be drawn from and co-constructed with participants, there is a much better buy-in than if you dictate the guidelines from a list
  • Observe and/or use your feelings to gauge the cohesion of the group from time to time; this helps you troubleshoot if necessary
  • If possible, ensure that everyone get at least one chance to share early on – this helps shy participants to open up and establishes the norm for the entire workshop
  • Gently invite quiet members to speak up from time to time. There is no need to make sure that everyone comments on each activity. Some people learn by listening, and this is a space where it is ok to be a listener.
  • Remind participants about the guidelines / group rules if necessary (e.g. if a participant start telling another what she should do or how she should feel). This workshop is not an advice-giving sort of workshop
  1. Provide emotional support as necessary 提供必要的情感支持
  • When a participant becomes emotional, it is important to give the person time and space to express that emotion (versus trying to shut down this process and make this person feel better right away).
  • Use of empathic statement is helpful – “it seems like talking about this is bringing up a lot of sadness…”
  • Validate the emotions/experience first rather than rushing in to agree or disagree with what the participant is saying – “it seems like you are feeling angry at yourself and that you’re failing in some way as a mom…”; this helps deepen the emotion and the person to verbalize their actual thoughts that they are fused with
    首先要认可情绪的体验,而不是急于同意或者反对参与者所说的话, 如你好像因为觉得自己在某些方面不是个合格的妈妈而感到生气? 这会有助于参与者更加清晰自己的感受, 亦帮助她/他更能够表达出内心的一些心结和想法
  • Consider inviting the person to observe these thoughts and allow the emotions to be there first; then consider other ACE processes that may be helpful (e.g., defusion, empathy, and compassion)
    邀请参与者观察她/他的想法并允许她/他的情感存在; 然后再考虑使用其他可能有帮助的ACE流程(比如解离、同理心、恻隐心)
  1. Lead, support, and debrief ACE exercises 带领,支持,以及对ACE练习的小结:
  • Be familiar with the ACE exercise and the take-home points
  • Encourage participants to reflect on their experiences and share openly; ensure plenty of time for participants to share
  • If a participant gets the intended point, reinforce / emphasize it!
  • If a participant gets something different than the intended point and it is ACE consistent, you can also reinforce it!
  • If they get something completely opposite to the point of exercise (e.g., in a values exercise, a participant says, “I see now that we should just give up because life has no values…”) – one can still validate the experience as this is how the person feels; next, you can either help the person consider other possibilities yourself or invite other participants to help (“I wonder if others had also felt like giving up before and lost touch with what is valuable in life… and how did you deal with this?”)
    如果参与者得出的结论与本练习预期的重点完全相反(比如,在一个价值练习中,一个组员说:“我现在明白了,生活是毫无价值的,我们应该就此放弃……”)你还是可以认可她的体验,因为这确实是她的感受; 然后,可以由你自己或者邀请其他组员来帮助她考虑其他的可能性。如,“我在想是否其他人也曾感到好像生活已经失去了意义而要放弃…… 最后你又是怎样应对的?”
  • You can refer back to what participants previously have shared if it is relevant to the current exercise:

    • e.g., a participant may have said something earlier that illustrates a similar point –> you can bring it in to reinforce the point
    • e.g., a participant may have shared something earlier that is the opposite (e.g. about how they are stuck) –> you can invite the participant to reflect on the connection between the problem and the current exercise (e.g. I wonder if what we just talked about right here is related to that sticky situation you mentioned earlier…)
  • You can make connections with previous ACE exercises 你可以和之前的ACE练习相联系。
  1. Modeling ACE 通过言行举止体现着ACE
  • Try to become conscious in modeling ACE – including mindfulness, allowing emotions to be present, and not get caught up or fused with issues yourself (e.g. long debate with a mom to prove you’re right and she’s wrong)
    请注意你的言行举止是否体现着ACE, 包括正念,允许情绪的存在,并且保持你自己不被卷入或者陷入某些问题当中(比如,你和一位参与者坚持争论,以证明你是对的,她是错的)
  • This includes being grounded and the ability to sit with silences … with people coming in late … with someone getting off course … with the schedule falling behind …
  • Of course, there is a balance to get things on track and ensure people get their breaks and meals on time – which sometimes means things may not get covered exactly in the same way; then it is a test of flexibility to reschedule exercises or try incorporating learning points with an alternate exercise
    当然,带领者要酌情平衡以保证小组的学习妥善完成,还要保证组员有适时的休息和用餐时间—这意味着有些内容没能及时在原定培训中涵盖; 那么,这就是一个对我们灵活性的考验,你可以重新安排练习的计划,或者试着在另一个替代的练习里融入学习要点。
  1. Self-Disclose and sharing personal experiences 自我披露及分享个人经历
  • Your own experiences as a human being are valuable; disclosure and sharing is helpful especially from an ACE perspective if it is judiciously used for a particular purpose in mind to benefit the group – i.e., to facilitate one of the above tasks
    一个人自己的人生经历是非常宝贵的; 从ACE角度来看,明智地运用自我披露和分享會是有效果的,只要你十分清楚这样做能够对小组有帮助,比如能协助你施行上述带领者的职责。
  • Use ‘I’ statements – knowing that our experiences may or may not be applicable
  • Be careful of taking away the spotlight/time from other participants; see if others can be encouraged to share first if at all possible; be vigilant the balance of how much the facilitators are leading/sharing versus the participants
    注意不要抢了其他组员的风头或者时间,尽量鼓励其他组员先分享; 注意平衡分配小组带领者的分享和组员们的分享时间。
  1. Working as a team 团队合作
  • Usually, one facilitator may take the lead in an ACE exercise. In general, the other facilitators can play an important supportive role. This may include: (在ACE练习中,通常由一位小组带领者主导。 总体来说,其他的小组带领者可以承担以下支持的角色。这可能包括:
    • Orienting late attendees
    • Helping an attendee who may need a break from the exercise
    • Controlling the environment (e.g. minimizing distracting noise; guiding participants to return to their seats after a break, etc.)
      维持小组练习所进行的环境(比如降低干扰的噪音; 休息之后,指引组员回到他们的座位)
    • Emotionally supporting attendees as necessary (e.g., with tissue or water) (see #2 above)
      在必要时对组员提供情感支持(比如,提供纸巾或者水)(参考以上#2 )
    • Keeping track of time and letting the facilitator know without disrupting the flow
    • In appropriate circumstances, helping the lead facilitator to clarify instructions, reinforce lead facilitator’s comments, or deepen the discussion (e.g., asking a participant to elaborate further)
    • On rare occasions, a participant may be particularly triggered in the group; the supporting facilitators can work with the lead facilitator to provide support as necessary (e.g. the lead facilitator may focus on helping the participant outside the group, while the supporting facilitator may take over the rest of the group, or vice versa).
      在特殊情况下,某一位小组组员的情绪也许会被格外触发(负面情绪); 辅助的小组带领者可以和主导带领者一起合作,去提供必要的帮助(比如,主导带领者可能单独专注帮助这名组员,而辅助的小组带领者接手余下的小组活动,或者相反。)
    • On rare occasions, a participant may react in anger to the lead facilitator; supporting facilitators can help defuse the situation.
  • In some exercises, supporting facilitator may be assigned a specific role (e.g., in the bus driver role-play exercise, while the lead facilitator focuses on the bus driver, the supporting facilitator can help orient the passengers of the bus regarding where they stand, etc.)
  • Supporting facilitators may be able to observe reactions of participants that the lead facilitator may not be aware of; debriefing, sharing, and discussions can be helpful for the team to better support all participants in up-coming exercises
    辅助的小组带领者可能会观察到主导带领者没注意到的组员的反应; 在练习的最后进行总结,分享,和讨论会对小组有帮助,以便更好地帮助所有组员准备后面的练习。


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Linking Hearts, Building Resilience 心相连,培韧性 Copyright © 2023 by Kenneth Po-Lun Fung, Josephine Pui-Hing Wong, Alan Tai-Wai Li is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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