Guidance for facilitators 带领者指南
General Instructions for ACE-LYNX Facilitators ACE-LYNX带领小组须知
- While adhering to the protocol, the facilitators at the same time need to keep in mind to uphold and model ACE principles when delivering to the group: 带领小组时,在遵守规则的同时,小组带领者们要记住ACE理念并以身作则。
- Being compassionate 富有慈悲心
- Model acceptance and willingness 在言行举止上体现接纳和愿意面对任何想法和感受的态度
- Being open to participant’s experience 对组员的经历持开放态度
- Apply techniques in a flexible manner 灵活的运用技巧
- In leading typical experiential exercises: 带领典型的体验式练习时:
- give a preamble and context to orient participants
事先向组员进行练习的说明和背景介绍,以帮助组员更好的理解练习的目的。 - lead the exercise while closely observing participants’ reactions and level of participation
带领练习的同时,密切观察组员的反应和参与的程度。 - facilitate reflection: 促进参与者的反思
- draw from participants their actual experience and sharing
借鉴参与者的实际经历和分享 - there are no “wrong” experiences – even when a participant draws an opposite conclusion to what the intent of the exercise is; in this case, depending on the situation, find out more about the experience or thank the participant for sharing; sometimes gentle questions may help participants gain additional perspectives including the intent of the exercise; inviting others’ experience will often help
即使一位组员得出的结论和本练习所预期的相反,体验是无分「对」与「错」的; 在此情形下,视情况而定,感谢这位组员的分享或者尝试更深入了解这位组员的体验; 有时温和的提问也许会帮助组员获得更多的视角,包括该练习的原意; 很多时候,邀请其他组员分享他们的体验也会对参与者的学习有帮助。 - bring out important points of each exercise – highlighting participants’ shared experiences
指出每一个练习里面的要点—着重强调组员们共有的体验。 - try to connect the experience with previous exercises, concepts, or participants’ shared stories where relevant
- draw from participants their actual experience and sharing
- Summarize discussion. 总结讨论。
- give a preamble and context to orient participants