Module 6: Committed Action, Collective Empowerment 培训模块六:承诺的行动,集体赋权

Bulls-Eye 靶心

Objectives 目标

  1. Facilitate participants’ reflection of their values as embedded in their actions in multiple life domains
  2. Introduce a tool that participants can use to track their progress towards aligning their actions with their values
  3. Facilitate participants to identify facilitators and barriers to act according to their values

Suggested Time 建议时间

  • 15 – 30 minutes 分钟

Number of Facilitators 小组带领者数量

  • 1

Brief Description 简述

There is a purpose behind every action in our everyday life. This exercise helps us reflect on our values as enacted in multiple domains of our lives. The facilitator draws a big bulls-eye on a flipchart, and disseminates the Bulls-eye Worksheet. The participants are guided to individually reflect on four main areas of their lives and mark in each corresponding quadrant of the bulls-eye diagram on their worksheet with an “X”, indicating the degree of alignment between their current actions and their values in that domain.  They are also asked to identify specific facilitators and barriers that impact on their actions. Depending on the time allotted, the facilitator can invite a few to all participants to take turns to come up to the front of the group, mark their own X’s on the large bulls-eye on the flipchart, and share a bit about the stories behind each of them. This exercise helps participants identify areas in their lives that they may want to focus on and change their behaviours to better align with their values. They may also begin to develop ways to overcome the identified barriers and plan next steps.

ACE Processes ACE 过程

  • Committed Action 承诺的行动
  • Values 价值
  • Collective empowerment 集体赋权

Key Learning Points 学习要点

  • Values are embedded in everyday choices and actions in our multiple life domains.
  • Sometimes we become stuck when we are fused with our expectations and desired outcomes rather than focusing on our values and actions.
  • Life imbalance can occur when we become fused with certain thoughts or rules which we need to let go of.
  • We can identify areas of our life in which we are engaging in avoidance and cultivate the acceptance and willingness to face internal barriers, make new choices, and act.
  • With willingness, we can utilize facilitators to overcome our barriers to move forward in incremental steps, small or big.

Materials 教學用具

Instructions & Sample Script 介绍&示范文稿

  1. Introduction – “Our values are enacted through our everyday choices and actions, and there’s meaning behind everything that we do. Let’s explore our values in our various life domains.”
  2. Set-up – Draw a big bull’s eye on the flipchart and label the four quadrants Self-care, Work, Family, and Friends/Community. Distribute the worksheet to all participants.
    布置 – 在活动挂图上画出一个巨大的靶心,并标记四个象限;自我照顾,工作,家庭和朋友/社区。将工作表分发给所有参与者。
  3. Guide the participants to document the degree of consistency between current behaviours and values in each domain and identify facilitators and barriers towards value-driven behaviours.
  • “We may divide aspects of our lives into many different areas. Let’s begin with these four big areas of our lives. In each quadrant, place an ‘X’ on where you think you’re at when you look at the kinds of things you’re currently doing or not doing with respect to your values. How satisfied are you with your own actions if you use your own values as guidance? If you feel that your actions and values are in perfect alignment with each other, put your ‘X’ in the centre.”
    “我们可能将生活划分为许多不同的领域。 让我们先从生活中的这四大领域开始吧。在每个象限中,想想为了你的价值观,你现在正在做的事情或没有做的事情,在您认为自己所处的位置画上一个‘X’。 如果您用自己的价值观作为指导,您对自己的行为满意度如何? 如果你觉得你的行为和价值观完全一致,那就把你的‘X’画在中心位置。”
  • “For example, if your value is that you will promote your own well-being both physically and mentally, but you find yourself never exercising, not taking care of your diet, not getting enough sleep, smoking, and never going for a check-up, etc. you may find that your actions are not that actually consistent with what you value. You’ll put an ‘X’ pretty far off from the centre in the self-care quadrant, like out here.”
  • “Note that we’re looking at the consistency of your own actions with your values, and not evaluating any idealized outcome or others’ actions. So in the previous example, you may actually find yourself putting an ‘X’ in the centre area if you take excellent care of yourself, even if you have a serious mental or physical illness, since your actions are already perfectly ‘on target’ and inline with your values. Your own actions are constantly taking you slightly closer towards health even if you have various illnesses, even terminal illness.”
  • “At the bottom of the sheet, please also note down what supports you and what hinders you as you strive to move forward towards your values.”
  1. Invite participants to share – “Would anyone like to share? Please come up, choose a colour marker, put an ‘X’ in each of the four quadrants, and share with us why they are where they are.”
    邀请参与者分享 – “有人愿意分享吗? 请上来,选择一个彩笔,在四个象限的每个象限中画上一个“X”,并与我们分享为什么它们在那里。“
  2. Debriefing – “Thank you for sharing. What did you notice when you completed the worksheet? What did you observe in hearing the sharing from others? What would you like to focus on as your next steps in your own life?” .
    小结 – “谢谢你的分享。 完成工作表后你注意到了什么? 听到别人的分享你有什么发现?自己生活的下一步您希望将重点放在哪里?”

Debriefing & Sample Scripts 小结和示范文稿

Values versus Expectations and Outcomes 价值 vs.期望和结果

  • “Are there areas of your lives where you feel stuck because of the behaviours of others? Or feel demoralized because you are not getting the kind of outcomes you wanted? Being overly focused on or fused with our expectations and desired outcomes, such as people and situations that are beyond our control, can actually be quite paralyzing. Instead, see what opportunities open up if we focus on our own behaviours as guided by our values.”
    “由于他人的行为,你的生活中有哪些地方让你感到困惑? 或者由于没有得到你想要的结果 而使你感到意志消沉? 过度关注或融合我们的期望和想要的结果,比如我们无法控制的人和情景,实际上可能让我们变得无力行动。相反,让我们来看看会迎来怎样的机会,如果我们在价值观的指导下专注于自己的行动,。”

Imbalance of life domains due to fusion 因为融合而导致的生活失衡

  • “Did you discover that there are certain life domains that seem to have been neglected? Sometimes this imbalance occurs because we are overly focused on one domain at the expense of the other. This may be caused by being fused with certain thoughts or rules in our mind, e.g., ‘I must be perfect at work and spend all my waking hours on it to succeed.’ We may need to let go of these thoughts if we want to bring balance to our life.”
    你有没有发现自己生活中的某些领域似乎被忽视了? 有时这种不平衡的发生是因为我们过分关注一个领域而牺牲了另一个领域。这可能是由于我们与我们脑海中的某些想法或规则相融合而造成的,例如,“我必须在工作中力求完美,并将我所有醒着的时间花在它上面才能成功。” 如果我们想为自己的生活带来平衡,我们可能需要放下这些想法。”

Being stuck due to avoidance 因回避而陷入困境

  • “Sometimes, our ‘X’ is off centered because we may actually be avoiding something. This leads to procrastination and inaction. When we avoid by focusing our energies elsewhere, this becomes another cause of life imbalance. As soon as we recognize the avoidance pattern, this can be the beginning of change as we cultivate our acceptance and willingness to face internal barriers, make new choices, and act.”
    “有时,我们的’X’偏离中心,因为我们实际上可能会回避某些事情。这导致拖延和不行动。 当我们将精力放在他处而回避时,这成为生活不平衡的另一个原因。 一旦我们认识到自己的回避模式,就可能是改变的开始,因为我们在培养我们的接纳和意愿去面对内在阻碍,做出新的选择和采取行动。”

Taking next steps 采取下一步行动

  • “How can you utilize the facilitators and overcome the barriers to move forward? What are the next steps, even baby steps, you are willing to take to closer align your actions with your values? We can move towards the center one inch at a time.”
    “您如何因势利导并克服前进的障碍? 接下来的步骤是什么,即使是婴儿般的、您愿意采取的、与您的价值观更加一致的一小步? 我们可以向中心一寸一寸地移动。”
  • “We have simplified life into four big domains. You may want to create your own bulls-eye for other aspects of life you would like to focus on.”
  • “The bulls eye is a snapshot of the present. You may want to repeat this regularly to track your progress.”

Specific Application 具体应用

  • Stigma – “For your bulls eye, in addition to the four ‘X’s, also place a star in each of the four quadrants to indicate your actions in decreasing stigma and promoting equity and well-being. For example, do you bring up this topic with your friends or family?”
    污名化 – “对于你的靶心,除了四个’X’之外,请也在四个象限中的每个象限中画上一颗星,以表示在减少污名化并促进平等和身心健康方面所采取的行动。 例如,你会否与朋友或家人提起这类话题?“

References 参考

Adapted and modified from the Bull’s Eye concept in Dahl, J. & Lundgren, T. (2006). Living beyond your pain: Using acceptance and commitment therapy to ease chronic pain (pp. 139-142). New Harbinger Publications.


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Linking Hearts, Building Resilience 心相连,培韧性 Copyright © 2023 by Kenneth Po-Lun Fung, Josephine Pui-Hing Wong, Alan Tai-Wai Li is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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