Module 6: Committed Action, Collective Empowerment 培训模块六:承诺的行动,集体赋权

Bus Driver 公交司机

Objectives 目标

  1. Facilitate exploration and exposure to thoughts and feelings (including reasons, stories, stigmatizing thoughts, judgments, assumptions, etc.) that act as barriers to engaging in valued actions
  2. Weaken the power of unpleasant feelings and literal thoughts through Defusion and Acceptance
  3. Evoke and reinforce committed action to personal chosen values

 Suggested Time 建议时间

  • 45 – 60 minute 分钟

Number of Facilitators 带领者人数

  • 1 – 2

Brief Description 简述

Using role-play to act out the bus driver metaphor, this exercise taps into all six ACT processes to illustrate the potential negative impact of internal thoughts or feelings in thwarting valued living and the ACT response to counter it.  The facilitator solicits a volunteer from the group to role-play the Bus Driver (BD). The BD will be invited to come up to the front, put the X’s on the bulls eye on a large flip-chart, and discuss one particular life domain that the BD would like to change. The facilitator helps the BD to identify the values in that particular life domain, the action that the BD would like to be able to do, and the five to six internal barriers (i.e., negative thoughts) preventing it. Then, other volunteers will be solicited to role-play the Passengers (PGs), with each PG representing one internal barrier. The PGs will be invited to the front to join the BD for the role-play. The BD will initially be facing the Bulls Eye, pretending to be driving the bus. The PGs will be lining up to get on the bus. One by one, as each PG get on the imaginary bus, the PG will come face to face with the BD, tell BD all the reasons why the BD cannot succeed, and form a single line behind the BD in boarding the bus. The facilitator will gently pivot the BD after each encounter so that by the time all the PGs have boarded the bus, the BD will be facing away from the bulls eye, with the PGs in single file behind the BD. After brief debriefing, the role-play is conducted again, this time with the BD coached to welcome each PG on to the bus while remaining facing the bulls eye. When this second round is completed, the PGs return to their seats. The facilitator sits down with the BD in front to debrief the experience and formulate a committed action together. Finally, the exercise will be debriefed with the PGs and the whole group. The exercise illustrates the use of defusion and acceptance in the present moment in the face of negative thoughts and feelings, which facilitates the BD, as the ‘self-as-context’, to persist with committed action, steering in the direction as guided by values.

ACE Processes ACE流程

  • All ACT processes 所有ACT流程
  • Compassion 恻隐心
  • Collective empowerment 集体赋权

Key Learning Points 学习要点

  • Often times, the real barriers that stop us from moving forward is fusion and avoidance of negative thoughts and feelings, which give them more power and lead us to abandon our values.
  • With defusion and acceptance of negative thoughts and feelings, while being in contact with the present moment and guided by our values, we can stay committed, and ultimately, we (self-as-context) can continue moving forward while containing all our negative thoughts and feelings.
  • Committed action persists in the face of difficulties. Guided by values, it is meaningful, regardless whether it is a small or big step.

Materials 教學用具

  • Bulls Eye on flipchart在夹纸白板上画的靶心
  • Marker 马克笔

Instructions & Sample Script 介绍&示范文稿

  1. Introduction – “As we try to pursue our values, we often encounter obstacles. This exercise is called the ‘Bus Driver Exercise.’ It helps us explore what it is like to face challenges and barriers that get in the way when we try to do important and meaningful things in our lives and how we can commit to our values through our actions. We will act out a little story with your help, and so, we will need some volunteers for the role-play.”
    简介 – “当我们努力追求自己的价值观时,我们经常遇到障碍。这个练习被称为“公交司机练习”。它会帮助我们探索当我们面对挑战以及在我们尝试做人生中重要的和有意义的事情而遇到障碍时会是怎样的;还有,我们是怎样通过我们的行动投身于我们的人生价值观的。我们需要你的帮助来演示一个场景,因此,我们需要几个志愿者来担任其中的角色。”
  2. Identify a suitable volunteer to role-play as the “Bus Driver” (BD), ideally someone who is open, articulate, and self-reflective – “To start off with, we need one of you to volunteer to play the lead role of the story – the ‘bus driver.’ As the ‘bus driver’, we would ask that you be willing to open up and share with us in more details about some of your personal difficulties that have stopped you from doing something that furthers your values. So you will be sharing an area of your life in which you feel kind of stuck, but would really want to change and are getting ready to work on it.”
    请确定一名合适的志愿者来角色扮演“公交司机”(BD),此人最好是一位开放、善于表达和自我反思的人 – “首先,我们需要你们中的一个志愿者扮演的主角 – ‘公交司机’。作为‘公交司机’,我们需要您愿意开诚布公地与我们更详细地分享您的一些个人困难,这些困难阻碍了你向你的价值观靠近。你将分享你生活中一个你感到被困住的领域,而且你非常想要改变并准备好去改善的领域。”
  3. Identify the BD’s Values and desired Actions.
  • “Thanks so much for volunteering. Can you please come up and first put an ‘X’ on each of the four quadrants on the bulls eye and tell us a little bit about each one?” (See Bulls eye for instructions and remind the participant as necessary.)
  • “Which life domain you would like to focus on?” (Occasionally, participant may change their mind and select a more pertinent one to them.)
  • “What values do you hold in this domain? What kinds of actions you would like to do, but you’re not currently doing? Can you also share with us why this is important to you and what it means for you to be able to do ‘XXX’….?”
    “您在此领域中抱持着什么价值? 你想采取什么样的行动,但你目前并没有这么做? 您是否也可以与我们分享为什么这对您来说很重要,以及如果你能够做‘XXX’,对您来说意味着什么……?”
  1. Collaboratively identify 5 to 7 barriers to Value-driven Actions; probe gently as necessary until the important barriers are identified.
    请共同确定要采取价值驱动的行动,存在的5到7个砠碍; 请小心探讨,直到找到重要的砠碍。
  • “Can you please share with us the barriers that cause you to be ‘here’ (point to ‘X’) as opposed to the centre? What shows up in your mind when you consider moving forward with your action?” (Write down a list of barriers in point form on the flipchart paper outside the bull’s eye, e.g., ‘1. no time; 2. not enough self-confidence; 3. I’m too shy; 4. my friends just don’t understand me …’)
    “你可以与我们分享那些导致你‘在这里’(指向’X’)而不是在中心这里的障碍是什么吗? 当你考虑采取行动向前时,你的头脑里在想什么?“(在夹纸白板上的靶心外面以列表的形式写下这些障碍,例如,‘1,没时间; 2,没有足够的自信心 3.我太害羞了; 4.我的朋友就是不理解我…’)
  • “Let us look over the list together. Are there barriers we have listed here that are not real barriers for you? If so, we can cross them out.”
    “让我们一起看一遍这个列表。 是否有些我们在此列出的障碍对您不是真正的障碍? 如果是这样,我们可以把它们划掉。
  • “Have we missed any other more important barriers? Imagine if all the barriers listed here are gone, would you immediate be able to do the action you wanted to do, or is there still something else stopping you deep inside?”
    “我们是否错过了其他更重要的障碍? 想象一下,如果这里列出的所有障碍都消失了,你是否能立即做出你想做的行动,还是在你的心灵深处,还有其他东西阻止你?”
  1. Identify enough volunteers to role-play passengers (PGs) of the bus, each personifying a barrier – “We need some volunteers to help us out by role-playing these barriers listed here. Who is willing to play the first barrier – [read first barrier on the list]?” (Facilitator may also decide to assign barriers among volunteers if this optimizes suitability for the role-play.)
    请确定足够数量的志愿者来扮演公共汽车的乘客(PG),每个人都代表一个障碍 – “我们需要一些志愿者帮助扮演这些障碍。 谁愿意假扮第一个障碍 – [阅读名单上的第一个障碍]?”(如果可以优化角色分配,小组带领者也可以决定分配志愿者们去扮演某一个障碍。)
  2. Position the BD about 4 feet away and facing the flipchart and the PGs to line-up beside the BD getting ready to board the imaginary bus. The remaining participants are invited to gather around and find a position they feel most comfortable to observe the role-play.
  • “You, as the bus driver, want to drive your bus towards the main station – where your values are guiding you to. So put your hands on the wheel and look at the bulls eye on the flipchart as your target destination. Recall to mind your values; why this is important to you; and the actions you want to take.” (Pause for a moment.)
  • “You are the passengers. Please form a line here in order of the barriers listed. Each of you now represents the negative thoughts inside bus driver’s head that we just heard about. When we start, you are going to get on the bus one by one. When it is your turn to get on the bus, you’re going to step right in front of the bus driver, look at the bus driver in the eye, and tell the bus driver why s/he can never do [the valued action]. For example, if you represent ‘no self-confidence’, you would be saying something like – ‘You can never do this. You have no self-confidence, remember? You will just fail miserably. Let’s just go home and forget about this.’ When you are done speaking, you can board the bus and form a single line behind the bus driver.”
  • “作为公交司机,您希望驾驶公共汽车前往总站 – 您的价值观引导您去的地方。因此,请将手放在方向盘上,将夹纸白板上的靶心看作终点站。回想一下你的价值观;为什么它们对你很重要;以及你想采取的那些行动。”(停顿片刻。)
  • “你们是乘客。请按照列出的障碍的顺序在此处排成一行。你们每个人现在都代表了我们刚才听到的公交司机头脑中的负面想法。当我们开始时,你们将逐一上车。轮到你上车的时候,你要站在公交车司机面前,看着公交车司机的眼睛,并告诉公交车司机为什么他/她永远不能做[那个有价值的行动]。例如,如果你代表‘没有自信’,你就会说 – ‘你永远不能这样做。你没有自信,还记得吗?你会悲惨地失败。让我们回家忘掉这一切。’说完话,你可以登上公交车,在公交车司机后面排成一行。”
  1. Begin the Role-play. Stand alongside the BD, and have the BD drive the imaginary bus for a few seconds. Invite the PGs to enter the bus one bye one. The (secondary) facilitator coaches each PG to step in front of the BD, face the BD, and tell the BD the reason why s/he cannot do the valued actions. The (main) facilitator helps the BD avoid facing the barrier after hearing what the PG has to say by pivoting the BD gently by about 25-35 degrees each time. The (secondary) facilitator directs the PG to “enter” the bus by standing in a single line behind the bus driver. Invite the next PG and so forth. As it may get emotionally challenging, pace the exercise accordingly. By the end, the BD would be facing approximately 180 degrees away from the flipchart, with a single line of PGs behind the BD.
    开始角色扮演。请站在BD旁边,让BD驾驶假想的公车几秒钟。 邀请PG一个接一个地进入公交车。 (辅助)小组带领者指导每个PG迈步到BD前面,面向BD,并告诉BD他/她不能做出有价值的行动的原因。(主要)小组带领者在每次听到PG要说出的指定内容之后,轻轻地将BD扭转大约25-35度,以帮助BD避免面对那个阻碍。(辅助)小组带领者指示PG“进入”公车并站在司机后面形成一列。再邀请下一个PG,以此类推。 由于这个练习可能会带来情绪上的挑战,可以根据情况暂停一下练习。到最后,BD将面向和夹纸白板大约180度的方向,而在BD后面有一行PG们。
  • To BD: “Imagine that you are now driving the bus.”
  • To PG: “You’re the [barrier 1] – go ahead and tell the BD the reason s/he will fail.” (Coach the PG as needed.)
  • To BD: “Wow, that sounds scary …” (Pivot the BD after the PG has finished speaking.)
  • To PG: “Get on the bus behind the BD (or another PG). Now let’s have the next passenger come on the bus.”
  • 对BD:“想象一下,你现在正在驾驶公交车。”
  • 对PG:“你是[障碍1] – 请上前告诉BD他/她将失败的原因。”(根据需要指导PG。)
  • 对BD:“哇,这听起来很吓人……”(在PG说过话后扭转一下BD。)
  • 到PG:“请上车,站在BD(或其他PG)后面。 现在我们请下一位乘客上车。”
  1. Debrief with the BD and provide empathic support.
  • “Thanks so much for doing this, as this must be a challenging experience. How are you doing right now? What was it like to be facing your barriers? Any particular surprises in this experience? Which ones were especially hard for you to face?”
  • “Take notice – where are you driving to? Are you getting closer or moving farther away from your values – the bulls eye?”
  • “非常感谢你做的这些,因为这一定是一次充满挑战的经历。你现在好吗? 面对你的阻碍是什么感觉? 经历这次练习,你有什么特别的发现呢?有哪些阻碍对你来说特别难以面对?”
  • “注意 – 你在向哪个方向开车? 你是否越来越接近,或者越来越远离你的价值观 – 靶心?”
  1. Give BD instructions for another round of role-play with Acceptance and Defusion.
  • To BD: “You have done very well. Let’s do this role-play one more time – round two. This time, let’s try something a little different. When a passenger gets on, see if you can welcome him or her. You don’t have to talk back or argue with them. Just say ‘Welcome on my bus’, regardless of what they are saying to you, and motion them to get behind you on to the bus. Ok?”
  • To PG: “Everyone, let’s line up again and take it from the beginning.”
  • To BD: “This time, keep your mind steadily focused on your values and the direction you are driving the bus towards, and don’t let anybody, including me, turn you around. Let’s see you hands on your steering wheel.”
  • To BD: “Before we begin, let us take a minute for you to become mindful as you look at the bulls eye in front you … really connect with the present moment and how important your values and actions are to you … recall what all this means to you …”
  • 对BD:“你刚刚做得很好。让我们再演一次这个角色 – 第二轮。 这一次,让我们尝试一些不同的东西。当乘客上车时,看看你是否可以欢迎他或她。 你不必回头去与和他们讨论或者争论。无论他们对你说什么,你只要说“欢迎乘坐我的公共汽车”,并且提议他们到公车上你的后面,好吗?”
  • 对PG:“大家好,让我们再次排队并从头再来一次。”
  • 对BD:“这一次,让你的思緒稳定地集中在你的价值观和你驾驶公车要去的方向上,不要让包括我在内的任何人,使你的身体转动。让我们看到你的手在方向盘你上。”
  • 对BD:“在我们开始之前,让我们花一点时间,使你可以专注地看着前面的靶心……真正地联结当下,以及你的价值观和行动对你的重要性……回想一下所有这一切对你意味着什么……”
  1. Re-do the role-play. Stand alongside the BD. As necessary, coach the BD to welcome each passenger on board while persistent in facing the target.
  2. Thank and invite the passengers to return to their seats. Invite the BD to sit down for debriefing with the facilitator, with the two chairs facing each other at a 90-degree angle in front of the group.
    感谢并邀请乘客们返回他们的座位。邀请BD坐下来与小组带领者进行汇报小结,两把椅子在小组前面以90度的角度彼此相对。“感谢你的分享。 你做得很好。 您想与我们分享一下这种体验对您来说是什么样的吗?“
  • “Thank you for sharing. You did so well. Would you like to share with us what this experience was like for you?”
  • “What was it like to share your values, actions, and the list of barriers?”
  • “What was the role-play like the first time around?”
  • “How was it different the second time around?”
  • “Now that you have this experience, what is one action you are willing to do within this week to further your values? It can be a small step or a big step… just as long as it takes you one step further in your valued direction.”
  • “How sure are you that you will do this task from 0 – 100%?” (Solicit a smaller action if it is below 80%.)
  • “分享你的价值观、行动和列出的阻碍是什么感觉?”
  • “第一轮的角色扮演是什么体验?”
  • “第二轮有什么不同?”
  • “既然您已经拥有这种经验,那么您本周愿意采取哪一个行动来靠近您的价值观? 它可以是一小步或一大步……只要在你的价值方向上向前迈进一步。”
  • •“从0%到100%,你有多确定可以完成这项任务?”(如果低于80%,请至少说服其先采取较小的行动。)
  1. Debrief with the passengers and the rest of the group.
  • To PG: “What was it like role-playing the barriers? What did you notice about the bus driver? What was the difference between the first and second role-play?”
    对PG:“请问你们扮演阻碍是什么感觉? 对公交司机你注意到了什么吗? 第一次和第二次角色扮演有什么区别?“
  • To everyone: “What have you observed in this exercise? Have you experienced similar kinds of thoughts in your head that try to bully you around?”
    对每个人:“你在这次练习中观察到了什么? 你是否也经历过类似的想法,在你的脑袋中试图欺负你?

Debriefing & Sample Scripts 小结&示范文稿

The Nature of Passengers  乘客的本性

  • “Have you experienced similar ‘passengers’ in your life? In doing most things that are meaningful, inevitably there are obstacles, and often, negative thoughts emerge. Although these passengers may seem cruel, they just reflect the thoughts in our heads. Notice that although they may be unwanted, they have paid their fares and they are not getting off. If you struggle with them, you may become more entangled, and end up crashing the bus. If you avoid them or let them take over your bus, you end up steering somewhere else. So it is about not giving them power, not getting distracted by them, and not letting them influence your driving. They will just following along for the ride.” “你的生活中是否经历过类似的‘乘客’? 在你做大多数有意义的事情时,不可避免地存在砠碍,并且往往会出现消极的想法。虽然这些乘客看起来很残忍,但他们只是代表我们头脑中的想法。请注意,虽然他们可能是不受欢迎的,但他们已经付了票钱,也不会下车。 如果你与他们争斗,你可能会变得更加纠结,并最终让公交车撞车。如果你避开他们或让他们接管你的公共汽车,你最终会转向别的地方。因此,你可以不给予他们力量,不被他们分心,也不让他们影响你的驾驶。 他们也就会跟着你的车走。”

ACT Processes in the Bus Driver 公交司机练习反应出的ACT 流程

  • “What ACT processes do you observe in the bus driver in the second round? The BD became mindful (contact with present moment) and remained in full contact with what really mattered (values). The BD was interacting with the thoughts as passengers rather than analyzing what they were saying (defusion) and was welcoming them on board the bus (acceptance). The BD did not get confused and identified with the thoughts, but instead, took control of where the bus went, with the bus containing all the thoughts as passengers (self-as-context). Finally, the BD made a firm commitment to a concrete action in the service of values (committed action). With these ACT processes, the BD becomes more resilient and live a more meaningful life.”
    “您在第二轮公交车司机练习中观察到哪些ACT流程? BD变得专注(活在当下)并且与真正重要的事物(价值观)保持充分接触。像是和乘客互动一样,BD与想法进行互动,而不是分析他们所说的话(解离)并欢迎他们乘坐公共汽车(接纳)。BD并没有对这些想法感到困惑和认同,而是掌控了公共汽车的去向,公共汽车像承载乘客一样,承载了所有想法(以己为景)。 最后,BD坚定地致力于有助于价值观的具体行动(承诺行动)。 通过这些ACT流程,BD变得更有弹性,过上更有意义的生活。”

Committed action and taking next steps 承诺的行动以及采取下一步措施

  • “Notice that committed action means staying the course with what we set out to do regardless of difficulties. Look at any committed relationships, such as marriage or parenthood. It is about standing by you through good times and bad, and not just ‘trying’ to be with you and only if the weather is nice. Just like with the BD, it is important to focus on an action step that you are willing to commit; whether it is a big or small step, the committed action is meaningful as long as it is guided by values. Having experienced the bus driver together, what next steps are you willing to commit to in your own life?”
    “请注意,承诺的行动意味着无论遇到什么困难,都坚持沿着既定的方向前进。 看看那些相互承诺的关系,如婚姻关系或父母关系。都是指不论经历什么,都会和你站在一起,而不仅仅是在天气好的时候才’试着’和你在一起。就像BD一样,专注于一个您愿意承诺的行动步骤非常重要; 无论是大步还是小步,只要以价值观为导向,承诺的行动就是有意义的。一起经历过公交司机练习后,您愿意在自己的生活中做出哪些后续行动?“

Specific Application 具体应用

  • Stigma – “Are there any internalized stigma, i.e., negative thoughts about yourself, that has stopped you from doing the things that you want to do? What committed actions are you willing to take to decrease stigma, promote equity, and promote well-being in yourself and others, even when there may be a lot of negative thoughts discouraging you?” (Link to Committed Group Action Project)
    污名化- “是否有任何内化了的污名化,即针对自己的消极想法,并且这些想法阻碍了你做你想做的事情? 即使还可能有很多负面想法让你感到沮丧,你愿意采取什么样的行动来减少这种污名化,促进平等,促进自己和他人的幸福安康,?”(链接到承诺的小组行动项目)

References 参考

Adapted and modified from Hayes, S. C., Strosahl, K., & Wilson, K. G. (2012;2016;). Acceptance and commitment therapy: The process and practice of mindful change (2nd ed.) Guilford Press.


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Linking Hearts, Building Resilience 心相连,培韧性 Copyright © 2023 by Kenneth Po-Lun Fung, Josephine Pui-Hing Wong, Alan Tai-Wai Li is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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