Module 6: Committed Action, Collective Empowerment 培训模块六:承诺的行动,集体赋权

Bulls-Eye & Valued Living Worksheet 靶心&有价值的人生工作表

Are you doing what is most important to you?  When our values and our actions are consistent and aligned, we will be in the centre of the bulls eye.  Please rate the consistency of your current actions with respect to your own values in the following four areas of life by putting an “X” in each quadrant. For example:
你在做对你来说最重要的事情吗?当我们的价值观和行动保持连续并一致时,我们将处于靶心的中心。 请在以下四个生活领域中评估你当前的行为与您自己价值观的一致性,并在每个象限中画上“X”以示结果。 例如:

  • Mary values an active lifestyle AND regularly exercises. Even though she is dying of cancer, she puts an “X” in the centre of the self-care quadrant because she is quite satisfied with her actions being in line with her values.
  • Johnny is physically healthy. He values an active lifestyle too, but he doesn’t exercise anymore. He marks an “X” in one of the outer circles, because he is not currently doing what he values and is dissatisfied with his actions.
  • Tom doesn’t value about having an active lifestyle and so he never exercises. He takes care of himself in other ways by eating and sleeping well. He puts an “X” in self-care in the centre because he is already doing what is important to him.
    汤姆并不珍重活跃的生活方式,所以他从不运动。他以其他的方式,比如吃好和睡好来照顾自己。 他把“X”放在自我照顾象限的内中心,因为他已经在做于他来说很重要的事了。
  • Susan values a close relationship with her father, and visits him weekly at a nursing home. He has dementia and yells at her every time she visits. She puts an “X” in the center of family quadrant because she is satisfied with her own actions.

Explain why you put the “X”s where they are, i.e., what supports you (facilitators) or what gets in your way (barriers).







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Linking Hearts, Building Resilience 心相连,培韧性 Copyright © 2023 by Kenneth Po-Lun Fung, Josephine Pui-Hing Wong, Alan Tai-Wai Li is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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