Module 2: Defusion 培训模块二:认知解离

Cognitive Defusion Techniques Handout 认知解离技巧讲义

These are some techniques to help us “defuse” from our thoughts – to see thoughts as just thoughts – nothing more and nothing less – rather than being trapped and dictated by our thoughts.

  1. The Mind 你的头脑
  • Treat “the mind” as an external event, almost as a separate person (e.g., “Well, there goes my mind again” or “My mind is worrying again”).
  1. Thought Labeling 为想法贴标签
  • Label your thoughts as thoughts (e.g., “I am having a thought that I will not be able to change”) or label the type of thought (e.g., “I am having a judgment that my child’s illness is too terrible to have” or “I am having a prediction that people will not listen to me”, etc.).
  1. Get off your but! 摆脱你的但是
  • Replace “but” with “and” (e.g., “I would like to take care of myself, but I am busy” becomes “I would like to take care of myself and I may busy”).
  1. Use a variety of vocalizations 运用多种发声形式
  • Say the thought very slowly, say it in a different voice, sing it, etc.
  1. Thank your mind 感谢你的心神
  • Thank your mind when you notice it butting in with worries and judgments (e.g., “Thank you mind. You’re doing a great job of scaring me today”). This is not sarcasm…after all, the mind is doing exactly what it was designed to do all of those thousands of years ago- “problem solve” and avoid danger.
    当你注意到担忧和评判涌入你的头脑,感谢你的心神(例如,“谢谢你。你今天在吓唬我这件事上做的很棒”)。这并不是嘲讽……毕竟,大脑正在做几千年前它被设计出来就一直要去做的事情 – “解决问题”并避免危险。
  1. Say the thought out loud quickly and repeat it until it loses its meaning (e.g., I’m useless, I’m useless, I’m useless, I’m useless, I’m useless, I’m useless, I’m useless, I’m useless, I’m useless, I’m useless, I’m useless,………………..).
    快速大声说出这个想法并重复它直到其失去意义(例如,我没用,我没用,我没用,我没用,我没用,我没用,我没用,我没用,我没用,我没用,我没用,……………… ..)。
  1. Imagine that thoughts are like: 把念头想象成:
  • Internet pop-up ads.
  • a ringing cell phone you can’t turn off (e.g., “Hello. This is your mind speaking. Don’t do too much because you are going to regret it”, etc.).
  • clouds floating across the sky.
  • leaves floating down a stream. You don’t have to dive in. You can watch from a bridge.
    树叶沿着水流漂过。 你不必跳入其中。你可以从桥上观看。
  • a waterfall. You’re standing behind it, not under it.
  • guests entering a hotel. You can be like the doorman: you greet the guests but you don’t follow them to their rooms.
  • actors on a stage. You can watch the play; you don’t need to get on stage and perform.
    舞台上的演员。你可以观看这出戏; 你不需要登台演出。
  • a passing parade. You can watch the floats pass by. You don’t have to climb on board.
  • suitcases dropping onto a conveyor belt at the airport. You can watch them pass by, without having to pick them up.
    行李箱转到机场的传送带上。 你可以看着它们经过,而不必拎起它们。
  1. Buying thoughts 相信想法吗
  • Distinguish between thoughts that just occur and the thoughts that are believed (e.g., “I guess I’m “buying” the thought that I’m hopeless”).
    区分是刚刚产生的想法,还是已经坚信的想法 (比如,“我想我正在相信我没希望了这个想法”)
  1. And how has that worked for me? 这对我有用吗?
  • When you are buying a thought, back up for a moment and ask yourself, “How has that worked for me?” and if it hasn’t worked ask, “Which should I be guided by, my mind or my experience?”
  1. Create your own defusion strategy! 创造你自己的解离策略!


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Linking Hearts, Building Resilience 心相连,培韧性 Copyright © 2023 by Kenneth Po-Lun Fung, Josephine Pui-Hing Wong, Alan Tai-Wai Li is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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