Module 6: Committed Action, Collective Empowerment 培训模块六:承诺的行动,集体赋权

Committed Action Plan 承诺行动计划

Objectives 目标

  1. Formulate individual and collective value-driven goals to promote mental wellbeing
  2. Plan individual and collective actions to reduce stigma and promote mental wellbeing
  3. Promote willingness to engage in mental health promotion in the face of difficulties

Suggested Time 建议时间

  • 60 minutes

Number of Facilitators 小组带领者人数

  • 1 – 2

Brief Description 简述

This exercise is conducted in two parts. The participants are first given a worksheet to help them identify their own values and formulate specific goals and actions to reduce stigma and/or promote mental health. These actions may target themselves, people whom they have personal relationships with, or their communities. The participants are then divided into small teams to work on identifying their collective values, a common goal, and a group project to work on. The exercise facilitates the transition of the workshop participants towards the next phase, where participants will actualize and apply their learning.
本练习分两部分进行。首先发给参与者一份工作表,以帮助他们明确自己的价值观,并制定具体的目标和行动,以减少污名化和/或促进心理健康。 这些行为可能针对自己、与他们有私人关系的人或他们的社区。 然后,参与者被分成几个小组,以确定他们的集体价值观、共同目标和一个可行的小组计划项目。 该练习有助于工作坊的参与者们向下一阶段过渡,参与者将实现并应用他们所学。

ACE Processes ACE 流程

  • All ACE Processes 所有ACE流程

Key Learning Points 学习要点

  • Stigma reduction and mental health promotion activities, based on values and goals, can be formulated to target and benefit self and others.
  • These actions, in spite of perceived difficulties, may be made possible depending on the degree of willingness.
  • Collective actions may be able to achieve objectives that individual actions may not be able to accomplish.
  • ACT processes can be utilized to facilitate success of both individual and group actions.

Materials 教學用具

Instructions & Sample Script 介绍&示范文稿

  1. Introduction: “As you complete the workshop, you will be in a position to help decrease mental illness stigma and promote the mental wellbeing of others and yourself. Let us develop some plans towards this.”
  2. Distribute Committed Action Plan worksheet and give instructions.
  • “Please fill out this worksheet to help you plan stigma reduction and mental health promotion activities. First, fill out the core values that are driving your actions in this area. You can look back at the values wordlist. It may be values like compassion, equity, or caring. Then, think about several goals do would you want to aim towards. For example, ‘getting students overwhelmed with stress to seek mental health help earlier’ may be a goal. Based on these goals and values, come up with 3 concrete actions that you are planning to take. Your actions may target yourself, people that you personally have relationships with like your friends and family, or the wider communities or society, and you can capture this in the second column. Rank these 3 actions in terms of the relative level of difficulty, i.e., how hard it would be to do it, and level of willingness, i.e., how willing you are to do it.  Sometimes, we are more willing to do things that are more difficulty to accomplish, while we are less willing to do something that seems simpler. For example, going to bed earlier seems like an ‘easy’ thing to do to promote your own mental health, but you may be less willing to change this right now; instead, you may be more willing to help students learn about mental health by gathering and putting out mental health information on WeChat. You can leave the last two columns for now. When you actually carry out these actions, you can document the date and your experience of it or any results of your action.  Please complete the sheet over the next 10 minutes.”
    “请填写这个表,以帮助你计划那些减少污名化和促进精神健康的活动。首先,在这里填写上那些驱使你的行动的核心价值观。你可以看看那个关于价值的词汇表。也可以是那些比如慈悲心、平等、或者关爱的价值观。然后思考几个你想要实现的目标。比如‘使那些陷于压力中的学生们早些去寻求精神健康方面的帮助’就可能是一个目标。基于那些目标和价值观,提出你打算采取的3项具体行动。你的行动可能是以你自己,或者那些与你个人有关系的人,比如你的朋友或家人为目标。或者是更广泛的社区或者社会,你可以在第二个栏目里面写下来。把这三个行动按照相对难度分成级别,也就是,做起来有多难的程度,以及愿意去做它的水平,即你有多么愿意去做这件事。有时,我们更愿意做更加难以完成的事情,而我们却不太愿意做一些看起来更简单的事情。 例如,早点睡觉似乎是一种促进自己心理健康的‘容易’的事情,但你现在可能不太愿意改变它; 相反,您可能更愿意通过在微信上收集和发布心理健康信息来帮助学生了解心理健康。 您现在可以保留最后两列。 当您实际执行时,您可以记录日期和您的体验或您的行动结果。 请在接下来的10分钟内填写表格。“
  1. Divide the participants into 2 to 3 groups to work on group projects.
  • “In your small teams, please take the first 5 to 10 minutes to share with each other your values, goals, and action plans. Then, as a group, identify collective values that you share and come up with one common goal to work towards. Based on the values and goal, come up with a project that your group is committed to embark on together. The nature of the project may be small or big, e.g., ‘remind each other through WeChat to do a daily mindfulness activity for one week’ or ‘planning a mental health promotion event for migrant students in the summer’. Please choose a member to capture the discussions on the flipchart – collective values, goal, and the description of the group project. What would the project involve? What are the resources you need to succeed? What are the potential barriers? You have 25 minutes in total to develop this.”
    “在您的小团队中,请花5到10分钟的时间互相分享您的价值观、目标和行动计划。 然后,作为一个团队,确定你们共享的集体价值观,并提出一个共同的目标。 根据价值观和目标,提出一个的团队决意共同开展的项目。 这个项目的可能很小或很大,例如‘通过微信互相提醒做一周的每日正念活动’或‘计划一个在夏季针对外地学生的心理健康促进活动’。 请选择一个成员把你们的内容写在在夹纸白板上 – 描述集体价值观,目标和团队项目。 该项目涉及到什么? 成功所需的资源是什么? 有哪些潜在的障碍? 你有25分钟的时间来完成它。”
  1. Group presentations – “Now, we will invite each group to briefly share what each team has come up with. Each team will have 2 minutes to present. Which group would like to go first?”
    小组报告 – “现在,我们将邀请每个小团队简要分享你们的结果。 每个小团队将有2分钟的时间来呈现。 哪个团队想先做?“
  2. Supporting individual action items and group projects – “Thank you for sharing. Each of you now has individual action items as well as a collective group project to work on. Would anyone like to share how you may be able to use the skills you have learned in this workshop to accomplish these individual or group tasks? How may ACT processes be used to facilitate team work?” The facilitator captures these ideas as “Tips” on the flipchart. A photo of this can be taken and sent to all group members.
    支持个人行动项目和小组项目 – “谢谢你的分享。 你们每个人现在都有要执行的个人行动项目以及团体共同项目。有谁愿意分享您如何能够使用您在本次工作坊中学到的技能来完成这些个人或小团队的任务? ACT流程如何用于促进团队工作?“带领者在夹纸白板上记录下这些想法作为“提示”。 也可以拍摄一张照片并发送给所有小组成员。


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Linking Hearts, Building Resilience 心相连,培韧性 Copyright © 2023 by Kenneth Po-Lun Fung, Josephine Pui-Hing Wong, Alan Tai-Wai Li is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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