Module 5: Values 培训模块五:价值观

Cultural and Personal Values 文化和个人价值观

Objectives 目标

  1. Facilitate participants’ reflection on their personal values
  2. Facilitate participants’ reflection on their own socio-cultural and collective values from family, communities, and society
  3. Promote awareness of the influence of socio-cultural context on one’s values and the potential for conscious mindful choice in ones’ values

Suggested Time 建议时间

  • 15 – 30 minutes 15-30分钟

Number of Facilitators 带领者人数

  • 1

Brief Description 简述

We all belong to or identify with multiple sociocultural groupings with established cultural norms, beliefs, or values. These groupings may be based on ethnicity, religion, social class, age, gender, sexual orientation, occupation, place of residence, citizenship, immigration status, etc. They provide the context in which we formulate meaning and personal values. This values clarification exercise facilitates participants’ reflection of their values. The participants are given a wordlist of diverse values, and are encouraged to add additional words not already captured. They are guided to circle their three top cultural values and three top personal values, with the two sets of values potentially overlapping completely, partially, or not at all. Cultural values are the values that the participants perceive as being important to the various social groups that they or their family belong to. During debriefing, the participants are encouraged to share their personal values, cultural values, and a reflection on how one may be related to the other or not at all.  This awareness helps participants realize their capacity to mindfully choose their personal values and promote respect of others’ values. Your Legacy exercise can be done immediately following this one, in which case both can be debriefed together.
我们都属于,或者都会去认同具有既定文化规范、信仰或价值观的多个社会文化群体。这些群体的分类可能是基于种族、宗教、社会阶层、年龄、性别、性取向、职业、居住地、公民身份、移民身份等等。它们提供我们可以在其中形成意义和个人价值的大背景。这个价值澄清练习会促进参与者对他们价值观的反思。组员们会被给与一个包含多种价值的词汇表,并被鼓励加上还没有列在词汇表里的词语。他们会在指导下圈出对自己最重要的三个社会文化价值观,以及三个个人价值观,两组价值观可能完全重合,部分重合,或者完全不重合。社会文化价值观是指那些参与者们认为对他们及他们的家庭归属的各种社会群体来说非常重要的价值观。 在汇报小结阶段,参与者会被鼓励去分享他们的个人价值和文化价值,并反思是否它们与其相对的另一组价值有关系或者完全无关连。这种觉知可以帮助参与者认识到他们有能力去谨慎地选择他们的个人价值观,提升对他人价值观的尊重。你的传承练习也可以安排在这个练习之后马上进行,如果是这样,这两个练习可以一起进行小组小结。

ACE Processes ACE流程

  • Values 价值观
  • Interdependence 相互依存

Key Learning Points 学习要点

  • Without reflection, we may be unclear about our personal and cultural values, i.e., what is most important to us and our cultural groups respectively. Our chosen values become our life directions that can guide our actions.
  • Our personal values may be influenced by our cultural values. With mindful awareness, we can choose our personal values that are consistent with or different from our cultural values.
  • Some values may be promoted by mainstream dominant culture, e.g., money equals success, even though these may not be true values at all when examined closely. With mindful awareness, we can free ourselves from these influences that may otherwise obscure or silent other genuine values; minorities’ cultural values; or our own personal values.
  • When we respect, appreciate, and learn from each others’ diverse values and identify universal values, this may facilitate our own growth and the development of our own values.

Materials 教學用具

Instructions & Sample Script 说明和示范文稿

  1. Introduction – “Let us take a moment to explore our values. They are the important life directions that guide our actions. We will explore our cultural and personal values and their relationship with one another.”
    简介——“让我们花一点时间探索我们的价值观。 它们是指导我们行动的重要人生方向。 我们将探索我们的文化价值观和个人价值观以及它们之间的关系。”
  2. Distribute the values wordlist and identify top 3 cultural and personal values – “Here is a wordlist of common values. Please circle the top 3 Cultural Values that most reflect your upbringing and your sociocultural values from your family, communities, or the larger society. These cultural values may reflect the particular ethnic group you identify with… Or your gender or sexual orientation… Or your occupation… Or your religion… Or whether you grew up in the village or the city, etc. Please write “CV” beside your top 3 Cultural Values. Please also circle your top 3 Personal Values of your own free choice and write “PV” beside them. Your cultural and personal values may be exactly the same, partially overlapping, or completely different. If there are any other important values that are not listed, please feel free to add them to the list. While you may want to circle many values on the list, but for the sake of this exercise, let’s focus on your top 3 ones in each category.”
  3. Debrief the exercise – “Would anyone like to share their cultural and personal values and the experience of doing this exercise? Do you notice any relationship between the two sets of values?” (Debriefing can be deferred until Your Legacy Exercise is completed and taken up together.)
    对练习的汇报小结 – “有人愿意分享你们的文化和个人价值观以及做这项练习的体验吗? 您是否注意到这两组价值观之间存在任何关系?“(可以推迟汇报,直到您的传承练习完成后一起进行。)

Debriefing & Sample Scripts 小结和示范文稿

Chosen values as life direction 所选择的价值观作为人生方向

  • “Sometimes we may go on with our everyday life without taking the time to reflect on what is truly important to us. Values give us a sense of direction in life and guide our actions. While we may hold much more than just 3 values and in different contexts we may choose differently, this exercise helps us prioritize what may be the more important values to us.”
    “有时我们也许会继续我们的日常生活,而不花时间思考对我们来说真正重要的事情。 价值观给了我们人生方向感并指导我们的行动。 虽然我们可能持有的不只是3个价值观,但在不同的背景下我们可能会有不同的选择,这个练习可以帮助我们优先考虑对我们来说可能更重要的价值观。“

Cultural and Personal Values 文化和个人价值观

  • “Some cultural values may be invisible to us until we rediscover them. In what ways are your cultural values helpful to you? In what ways have you found them problematic, or at least, in how they may have been interpreted or enacted? When we become aware of them, we can make a more mindful and deliberate choice with regards to our personal values, which may be identical to our cultural values; adapted from our cultural values; or completely different and chosen in response to particular aspects of our cultural values.”
    “我们可能会无视某些文化价值观,直到我们重新发现它们。 您的文化价值观对您有何帮助? 你在哪些方面发现它们有问题,或者至少发现它们是如何被解说的或着被表达出来的? 当我们对它们有觉知时,我们可以对我们的个人价值做出更加谨慎和深思熟虑的选择。这些个人价值观可能与我们的文化价值观相同,可能源自我们的文化价值观,或与其完全不同,而且回应了我们文化价值观的某些特定方面。”

Dominating Cultural Values 主导的文化价值观

  • “Some cultural values may appear to dominate over other ones. For example, money equals success may be seen by some as a dominating value. Yet, money is only a means to an ends – nobody feels it’s all that meaningful rolling around in a bed of money. So, it’s not even a true value that can give life meaning. Are there other dominating beliefs masquerading as values? Do some cultural values actually obscure or silent other important values or dominate over values held by minority groups? Or even over your own personal values?”
    “某些文化价值观似乎主导了其他文化价值观。 例如,‘金钱等于成功’可能被一些人视为主导价值观。 但是,金钱充其量只是一种手段——没有人会觉得在一堆钱上打滚儿有什么意义。 所以,它甚至不是一个能赋予生命意义的真正的价值观。还有其他主导的信仰伪装成了价值观的吗? 是否一些文化价值观实际掩盖或噤声了其他重要价值观?或统辖了少数群体所持有的价值观? 甚至控制了你自己的个人价值观?”

Diversity of Values and Universal Values 价值观多元性以及普世价值观

  • “What is the impact on you in listening to others’ values shared here? We can work towards promoting mutual respect and appreciation of each others’ values, as well as learning from them. With mindful awareness, this helps us grow and further develop our own values. You may also have noticed some universal values, especially those related to love, compassion, kindness, and empathy, which can be directed towards self and others.”
    “听取其他人在这里分享的价值观对你有什么影响吗? 我们可以努力促进相互尊重和欣赏彼此的价值观,并从中学习。 通过谨慎地觉察,这有助于我们成长并进一步发展自己的价值观。 你可能也注意到了一些普世价值观,特别是那些与爱、同情、善良和同理心相关的价值观,这些价值观可以针对自己和他人。

Specific Application 具体应用

  • Stigma – “Can you identify any values, especially when misapplied or distorted, that may contribute to further stigmatization of vulnerable individuals or inequity in society? Are there specific values that can serve to decrease stigmatization of vulnerable individuals, promote equity, and promote everyone’s well-being?”
    污名化 – “你能否找出任何一些价值观,尤其是当它们被误用或被扭曲的时候,可能导致对弱势的个人进一步污名化或造成社会不平等的价值观? 是否有一些特定的价值观可以减少对弱势群体的污名化,促进公平,促进每个人的幸福安康?”

References 参考


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Linking Hearts, Building Resilience 心相连,培韧性 Copyright © 2023 by Kenneth Po-Lun Fung, Josephine Pui-Hing Wong, Alan Tai-Wai Li is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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