Module 3: Acceptance, Social Justice 培训模块三:接纳, 社会公义

Exclusion Circle 排斥圆圈

Objectives 目标

  1. Promote empathy and connection among participants
  2. Illustrate the power of fused arbitrary rules and stories that leads to stigma, discrimination, exclusion, and marginalization
  3. Promote acceptance and committed actions, guided by values of compassion and equity

Suggested Time建议时间

  • 45 – 60 minutes / 45 – 60分钟

Number of Facilitators组带领人数

  • 1 – 2

Brief Description 

This exercise engages participations to experientially explore exclusion and marginalization. All participants initially aggregate in the centre of the room and each is randomly given a colour card or paper strip.  The participants are encouraged to chitchat. Periodically, the facilitator rings the bell, names a colour, and reads a story about an individual’s experience in marginalization. Participants identified by that colour are asked to leave the centre immediately and stand in one of the numbered stations around the room. This continues until a small group of individuals identified by the colour white, representing the privileged, is left in the centre. The participants are engaged to reflect on the impact of stigma and other judgmental rules and stories in excluding and marginalizing people; the process of fusion and avoidance in preventing people from helping; and the possibility of acceptance and committed actions, guided by values, to actively work towards promoting equity and wellbeing.
这项练习使组员以体验来探索排斥和边缘化。所有参与者首先聚集在房间的中心,每个参与者被随机给与一张彩色卡片或纸条。参与者可以随意闲聊。小组带领者敲响铃声,说出一种颜色,并读出一个关于个人被边缘化的故事。确定是手执那种颜色的参与者被要求立即离开房间中心,并站在房间四周的一个有编号的地方。这种情况一直持续到仅剩一小部分手持白色卡片的、代表特权阶层的人们留在中心。组员们开始反思污名化以及其他诸多的评判性规则和故事对被排斥的及被边缘化人群的影响;  反思阻止人们提供帮助的融合和回避的过程; 反思以价值观为指导的接纳和承诺行动有多大的可能性去积极促进平等和幸福安康。

ACE Processes ACE流程

  • Social Justice and Equity 社会公
  • Defusion 知解离
  • Acceptance
  • Values 值观
  • Collective Empowerment 集体

Key Learning Points 学习要点

  • Fusion with stigma and other judgmental rules and stories, e.g., “mental illness is bad”, can lead to discrimination, exclusion, and marginalization of individuals or groups of people.
  • Fusion with rules and stories can lead to experiential avoidance, which can lead to people not reaching out to help those marginalized.
  • To promote the well being of everyone, we can cultivate the willingness to break away from social pressures to marginalize certain groups of people, and the willingness to reach out, compassionately connect with them, and render help based on our values.

Materials 教學用具

  • Exclusion Scenarios printout for each facilitator
  • Colour cards or paper strips – corresponding to the scenario colours used, one per participant, with at least 2 participants having the colour white
    彩色卡片或纸条 —— 对应于情节中所使用的颜色,每个参与者一张,至少有2个参与者有白色
  • Station labels —— numbered signs that can be posted up
    站点标签 – 可以张贴的号码标志
  • Bell 铃铛

Instructions & Sample Script 说明和示例脚本

  1. Setup – Arrange chairs in a large circle and stick “Station [number]” signs around the room. Ensure that there is sufficient space in the centre for participants to move around and for participants to stand at the assigned stations outside of the circle later on in the exercise (See diagram for spatial arrangement). Invite all participants to stand in the centre of the circle at the beginning of the exercise. Distribute a prepared coloured card or paper strips to each participant randomly.
    设置 – 将椅子摆放成一个大圆圈,并在房间周围贴上“站点号码”标志。 确保中间有足够的空间供参与者四处移动,并让参与者在练习的后期移步到圆圈外的指定站点(参见空间布置图)。 邀请所有参与者在练习开始时站在圆圈的中心。 随机向每位参与者分发准备好的彩色卡片或纸条。

  1. Introduction – “In this exercise, we will explore stigma and exclusion experientially. Whenever you hear the bell, please pause and listen for further instructions. For now, please feel free to mingle and chat with each other to begin the exercise.” (Allow for 30 seconds of chitchat.)
    介绍 – “在本次练习中,我们以体验的方式来探讨污名化和排斥。 每当你听到铃声响,请暂停并聆听进一步指示。现在开始这个练习,请随意找人聊天。“(允许30秒的闲聊。)
  2. Read scenarios – The facilitator(s) rings the bell and reads a scenario related to a colour – “If you are holding a [colour] card, this story is about you…”
    朗读情景 – 小组带领者敲响钟声并读出相关颜色的情景 – “如果你持有[颜色]卡片,这个故事就是关于你……”
  3. Enact exclusion – The facilitator(s) direct all participants with the specific colour card to proceed to their corresponding station and remind them to “… not allow anyone else into your station.”
    执行排斥 – 小组带领者提示所有持有特定颜色卡片的参与者前往相应的站点并提醒他们“……不要让其他人进入你的站点”。
  4. Resume central group activities – “Those of you inside the circle, please feel free to resume mingling and chit-chatting with each other until you hear the bell.” (Allow for 30 seconds of chitchat.)
    恢复圆圈中的团体活动 – “圈内的所有人,请自由恢复之前的交流和聊天,直到你听到铃声响起。”(允许30秒的闲聊。)
  5. Repeat steps 3 to 5 until all colour-coded scenarios, except the white scenario, are done.
  6. Read out the description of the white colour scenario representing privileged identities/statuses.
  7. Debriefing – “Now you may go back to your original seats. Can you please share your experience?”
    总结 – “现在大家可以回到原来的座位上。 你们能分享一下自己的体验吗?”
  • “What is your experience when being sent away?”
  • “What is your experience when watching others being sent away?”
  • “What is your experience when being kept in the circle?”
  • “What role did you play in the exercise and why did you follow the instructions of that role?”

Debriefing & Sample Scripts 小结和示例文稿

Fusion with Stigma, Rules, and Stories that marginalizes融入污名化、规则和故事,导致边缘化

  • “On what basis have people been excluded in the exercise? Some fused rules and stories may be promoted in society as defining what is normal, accepted, or successful, while other rules and stories may increase negative judgements about others and us. Can you identify what rules and stories are being highlighted in these scenarios?”
    “在这个练习中,人们被排斥是基于什么? 一些融合了的规则和故事可能是在社会中所提倡的,可以用来定义什么是正常的、被接受的或成功的,而其他规则和故事可能会增加我们对他人和对自己的负面评判。 你能否辨识出在以上情景中存在哪些规则和故事?“
  • Discuss judgements based on mental illness, gender, class, rural vs urban, sexual orientation, body image, financial or academic success, etc. and also note the arbitrary distribution of colour cards or paper strips – i.e., it is not a person’s “fault.”
    讨论基于精神障碍、性别、阶级、农村与城市、性取向、身体形象、财力或学业成功等方面的评判,并注意彩色卡片或纸条是任意分发的 – 即,它不是个人的 “过错。”
  • “In this exercise, exclusion is represented by getting sent away from the centre. How does this take place in these scenarios and in real life, i.e., how do negative judgements and stories lead to discrimination, exclusion, or marginalization at a personal or systemic level?”
    “在本次练习中,排斥是通过被送离中心来表示的。 那么,在这些情景中,以及在现实生活中它是如何发生的,也就是说,负面评判和故事是如何导致个人层面或体系层面的歧视、排斥或边缘化的?”

Fusion and Avoidance that stops people from helping融合和回避,阻止人们出手相助

  • “When we conduct this exercise, participants almost always follow all the instructions just as you have done. In your experience, what stopped you from reaching out to help others being sent away? What do you think you may have been avoiding?”
    “当我们进行这项练习时,参与者几乎总是按照指示遵循所有说明,如同你刚才做的一样。 按照你的体验,当其他人被要求离开圆圈,是什么阻止你伸出援手? 你认为你可能在回避什么?”
  • Explore any fears of non-conformity, being rejected themselves, etc.
  • “If there was any discomfort in seeing people being sent away, how did you deal with it during the exercise?”
  • Explore any avoidant coping strategies that minimize the need for action, such as “this is just an exercise; it’s not a big deal to be sent away; someone else may say something eventually so I don’t need to; the instructors must have a good reason to do this so I should follow; I can just focus on chatting with my buddy and forget about the discomfort…”
    探讨任何可能把行动的需要降到最低的回避型应对策略,例如“这只是一个练习; 被要求离开圈子并不是什么大不了的事; 别人可能最后会说什么,所以我不需要发表意见; 领导肯定有充分的理由这样做,所以我应该遵从这个规则; 我要专注于和身边的朋友聊天,并忘记这个不舒服的感觉……”
  • “What do these avoidance strategies lead to in real life?”

Willingness (Acceptance) to help based on Values基于价值观提供帮助的意愿(接纳)

  • “If we were to do this exercise again, would you do it differently?”
  • “An alternative in this exercise and in real life is possible when we are all in touch with our values based on compassion and equity, and we can take active steps to promote the well being of everyone. To do that, we have to be willing to take the time to observe and listen to those who are suffering… wiling to experience the discomfort in not following others at times… and willing to take action and to reach out, rather than to avoid.”
    “当我们与以恻隐心和平等心为基础的价值观相连时,我们就可能在练习中以及实际生活中采用另一种方式,并且,我们可以采取积极举措促进每个人的身心健康。 要做到这一点,我们必须愿意花时间去观察和倾听那些正在遭受痛苦的人……愿意体验偶尔不从众所带来的不适感……并且愿意采取行动并伸出援手,而不是回避。”

References 参考

Wong, J. P. & Li, A. T. (2015) The Exclusionary Circle Game: A tool to promote critical dialogue about HIV stigma and social justice. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 91(3), 431-438.


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Linking Hearts, Building Resilience 心相连,培韧性 Copyright © 2023 by Kenneth Po-Lun Fung, Josephine Pui-Hing Wong, Alan Tai-Wai Li is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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