Module 3: Acceptance, Social Justice 培训模块三:接纳, 社会公义

Exclusion Scenarios 排他场景

  1. If you are holding a green card, this is about you. You are 18 years old, attending first year university. You are the first one within your extended family to attend university. You wish to study Chinese history. Your parents insisted that you study computer sciences, which will offer better employment opportunities when you graduate. Sometimes you feel frustrated and hard to focus at your schoolwork. You feel the pressure to succeed and often sleep for only 4-5 hours each night. If you are holding a green card, leave the centre and go to Station #1; do not talk to anyone and do not let anyone into your station.
  2. If you are holding a red card, this is about you. You are a 32-year-old young woman. You worked hard at university and received a Master’s degree in Marketing with high honours. You have been working at your company for 7 years. Despite your excellent track record at work, you have been passed for numerous promotions that you have applied for. Some of your co-workers have made fun of you, calling you a fat spinster behind your back, taunting you online that you are too old to find a boyfriend. You feel frustrated and angry but there is not anyone you can talk to. You just told yourself to work harder. When stress gets really too much, you binge on food and vomit afterwards. If you are holding a red card, leave the centre and go to Station #2; do not talk to anyone and do not let anyone into your station.
  3. If you are holding a brown card, this is about you. You are 18 and attending university. You grew up in the rural area. Your parents are hard working farmers. Your older sister attends university in another city. Your parents feel a lot of financial pressure and decide to move to the city to work in factories. You sense a lot of prejudice towards rural migrants in the media and among your peers. You are afraid to tell others about where you came from. You just keep to yourself and feel anxious in any social situations. You have panic attacks several times a month, and you have avoided all social gatherings whenever possible. If you are holding a brown card, leave the centre and go to Station #3; do not talk to anyone and do not let anyone into your station.
  4. If you are holding a blue card, this is about you. Your only son is 19. He has left home to attend university. When your son came home for Lunar New Year celebration, he disclosed to you and your wife that he is gay. You told him, “You’re a big disappointment. Don’t be silly. What do they teach you in university? Don’t hang out with bad friends.” You love your son very much and only want him to be happy. At the same time, you are scared about what your relatives and friend will think and say about your son and your family. You feel guilty that you did not show support to your son and feel a sense of loss. You wish there is someone you can talk to. If you are holding a blue card, leave the centre and go to Station #4; do not talk to anyone and do not let anyone into your station.
  5. If you are holding a pink card, this is about you. Your father has a drinking problem and whenever he is drunk, he hits your mother and calls her names. At times, he also hits you. Your mother tried to leave your father many times but the extended family persuaded her to keep the marriage. They told her that if she left your father, she would also lose custody of you. You love your mom very much and feel powerless. Now that you are living away from home at university, you are even more worried about your mom’s safety. You feel stressed and depressed but you feel too ashamed to talk to anyone. If you are holding a pink card, leave the centre and go to Station #5; do not talk to anyone and do not let anyone into your station.
  6. If you are holding a purple card, this is about you. You are 19 and did well in your first year at university. This semester, you find it hard to concentrate and your grades have dropped. Your school friends no longer seem to like you. You are angry that they only liked you when they copied your schoolwork before. Now they just seem to laugh at you. In the past few nights, you heard voices telling you that you are lazy and taking your family for granted. You feel both scared and angry. You are afraid to talk to anyone for help because you worry that they will lock you up. If you are holding a purple card, leave the circle, go to Station #1, and ask – “Can I join you?” You will be rejected. You can then move on to the next station and ask if you can join. Again, you will be rejected. Keep moving on to the next station until you get to Station #6 where you will stay. This is a quick reminder to all those in Stations #1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 – do not accept or let anyone else into your own station.
  7. If you are holding a yellow card, this is about you. Your son is 17 year old. He has always been different from other kids. He learned to talk and walk slower than expected. He has never shown interest to play with other kids at school, and has never had a friend. In fact, he has often been bullied. He has temper tantrums and hits himself when there are any changes in routine. He always seems very naïve and immature. You have been embarrassed to take him out to any family or social gatherings, especially when all your friends brag about their children’s successes. He gets average grades in school, never gets into trouble, and has just barely made it to university. He is now having a very hard time to cope, and seems obsessive and overwhelmed with everything. You suspect that he may have some kind of autism from a TV show, but you are afraid to find out more. If you are holding a yellow card, leave the centre and go to Station #7; do not talk to anyone and do not let anyone into your station.
  8. If you are holding a white card, this is about you. You are a heterosexual young man. You live with your parents and grandfather. Your grandfather is a retired doctor. Your mother is a practicing lawyer and your father is an engineer. You have lots of friends at school and you have recently joined the marathon running club. If you are holding a white card, stay in the centre and continue to mingle with everyone else.
  9. If you are holding a white card, this is about you. You are a successful businessman. You and your family live in the city. Your daughter is studying Aerospace Engineering at Princeton University in US. You and your wife visited her in the US during spring holiday every year. You are excited that she is graduating this summer. If you are holding a white card, stay in the centre and continue to mingle with everyone else.


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Linking Hearts, Building Resilience 心相连,培韧性 Copyright © 2023 by Kenneth Po-Lun Fung, Josephine Pui-Hing Wong, Alan Tai-Wai Li is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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