Module 1: Introduction & Building Group Norms 培训模块一:理论入门和制定规则

Group Rules 小组规则

Objective 目标

  • Establish group rules to create safe space and enhance trust and group cohesion

Suggested Time 建议时间

  • 10 minutes 10 分钟

Number of Facilitators 小组带领者人数

  • 1 – 2

Brief Description 简述

  • The facilitator elicits group rules from participants, clarifying as necessary. This can be supplemented by key rules to ensure that there is a safe space for sharing and learning, especially since the group is experiential in nature. The joint collaborative process continues to enhance group cohesion.
    小组带领者引导参与者制定小组规则,并在必要时进行澄清。 以主要规则做参与者所提议的规则的补充,以确保组员分享和学习的空间是安全的,尤其是该小组是体验性小组时。成员间共同协作的过程会持续增强小组的凝聚力。

Materials 教學用具

  • flip-chart and markers 夹纸白板和马克笔

Instructions & Sample Script 说明和示例文本

  • Introduction and elicit group rules – “Bearing in mind the ACE model and the goals of this group, let us now collectively come up with a list of ground rules and guiding principles that we can all follow to create a safe space for all of us. Maybe you already have some in mind from previous group learning experiences. What needs to be in place for you so that you can feel safe and have the optimal environment for sharing and learning?”
    介绍并引出小组规则 – “把ACE(接纳承诺与赋权)模型和小组目标放在心上,现在让我们一起想出一系列基本规则和指导原则,我们可以遵循这些原则为所有參與者创造一个安全的空间。也许你已经从之前的小组学习经历中有了一些想法。这里需要些什么,才能让你感到安全并得到一个分享和学习的最佳环境?”
  • Write down participants’ suggestions on flip-chart paper, clarifying as necessary. For example, if a participant says: “Confidentiality”, the facilitator can clarify with “Yes, confidentiality. Can you please say more about what you meant by confidentiality?”
    在夹纸白板上写下参与者的建议,并在必要时予以阐明。例如,如果参与者说:“保密”,小组带领者可以说 “好的,保密。你能否详细说明保密意味着什么吗?”来进一步阐明。
  • Prompt for additional group rules (see below) if not brought up by the participants spontaneously.
  • Post the rules whenever the group is in session – “I am posting these group rules on the wall so that we can refer to them throughout all the sessions. During the group, if you think of another rule that would support positive interaction among all of us as a group, we invite you to share it and we will add it to the list.”
    当小组活动时张贴这些规则 – “我在墙上张贴这些小组规则,以便我们可以在整个讨论过程中参照它们。在小组讨论期间,如果你想到另一个可以促进我们在小组中积极互动的规则,我们邀请你分享它,我们将把它添加到列表中。”

Key items for Group Rules 小组规则的关键项目

Items to be included in the list of ground rules: 基本规则列表中需要包含的项目:

  • Confidentiality: “We would ask that everything personal that is shared in this room will remain in this room, that is, each one of us agree not to reveal any personal sharing to anyone outside of this group. Let us look at this issue a little bit more…”
    保密:“我们会要求在这个房间内分享的所有私人信息都将留在这个房间内,也就是说,我们每个人都同意,不向这个小组以外的任何人透露任何私人分享的内容。 让我们再多关注一下这个议题……”

    • Help the group distinguish the difference between personal information (names, detailed experiences, etc.) from generic teaching points that can be abstracted and shared e.g., the ACE model, the effect of fusion, the benefits of mindfulness, etc.
    • If it does not come up, address the issue of interactions outside the group e.g., is it ‘ok’ to greet each other outside the group if you bump into the other person?
  • Mutual respect: “Each one of us agrees to respect each other as fellow human being, and respect each other’s opinions and ideas, even when we may not agree with each other. This also means sharing time and giving each person the opportunity to share their ideas and opinions.”
    相互尊重:“我们都同意把彼此视作同伴互相尊重,尊重彼此的意见和想法,即使我们的意见不一致。 这也意味着时间共享,以及让每个人都有机会分享他们的想法和意见。”
  • Advice Giving: “Each of us has valuable experiences to share. At the same time, what works for you may not work for someone else. So, we can share our experiences rather than telling people ‘you should have handled things this way.’”
    提供建议:“我们每个人都有宝贵的经验可以分享。 与此同时,对你有用的东西也许不适合别人。 所以,我们可以分享我们的经验,而不是告诉别人你应该以什么样的方式处理事情。”
  • Use the ‘I’ statement: “To demonstrate respect, we invite everyone to use the ‘I’ statement when appropriate. This means each one of us agrees to take accountability for what we say and share. For example, we can share – ‘I feel that mindfulness meditation has been helpful for me’ – rather than ‘You should be doing meditation everyday.’ It also means that we respect others who may think and feel differently.  Instead of saying ‘You should not cry or feel bad about that’, consider what else you may say beginning with ‘I’.  You may also have noticed that using statements beginning with ‘you should’ may be problematic, as we are not telling people what they should or should not be doing, i.e., advice giving.”
    使用“我”来进行陈述:“为表示尊重,我们邀请所有人在适当时候使用’我’来陈述。 这意味着我们每个人都同意对自己所说和分享的内容负责。 例如,我们可以分享 – ‘我觉得正念冥想对我有帮助’ – 而不是’你应该每天做冥想。’ 这也意味着我们尊重那些与我们的想法和感受可能不同的人。 例如,当你想说’你不应该哭泣’或’你不应该觉得这样不好’时,先考虑一下你可以用’我’开头陈述什么。 你可能还会注意到,使用以’你应该’开头的陈述可能是有问题的,因为我们不是告诉人们应该或不应该做什么,即,提供建议。”
  • Punctuality: “Since our goal is to learn together as a group within a limited set of time, what are your thoughts on punctuality? e.g., arriving on time, returning from lunch and breaks on time, including going to bathroom during the breaks whenever possible, etc.” Discuss the rationale for punctuality, especially when some exercises may require the participants’ presence from the start, such as group meditation.
    守时:“由于我们的目标是在有限的时间内作为一个小组共同学习,你对守时的看法是什么?例如,按时到达,在午餐和休息时间后准时返回,包括尽可能在休息期间去洗手间等。” 讨论需要准时的理由,尤其是有一些练习可能要求参与者从一开始就在场,例如小组冥想。
  • Other items: 其他条目:
    • Not passing judgments on others 不评判他人
    • Ability to ‘pass’ if you do not want to share 如果你不想分享,可以选择“跳过”
    • Everyone gets a chance to share if they do want to 如果愿意的话,每个人都有机会分享
    • Not interrupting others 不打断他人
    • Freedom to take a break when you need to 在需要时自主休息
    • Cell phones on silent/vibrate, etc. 将手机调成静音/振动等


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Linking Hearts, Building Resilience 心相连,培韧性 Copyright © 2023 by Kenneth Po-Lun Fung, Josephine Pui-Hing Wong, Alan Tai-Wai Li is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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