Module 4: Self-as-context, Interdependence 培训模块四:以己为景, 相互依存

Le’Go Exercise 乐高练习

Objectives 目标

  1. Increase the awareness of the continuity of a self while allowing a more flexible relationship with the contents and identities of the self
  2. Increase the awareness that despite numerous life changes, challenges, and adversity, the sense of self-as-context or the observer-self persists
  3. Expand the repertoire of behavior that is less constricted by concepts of oneself

 Suggested Time 建议的时间

  • 30 – 45 minutes 30-45分钟

Number of Facilitators 小组带领者人数

  • 1

Brief Description 简述

This exercise involves both guided meditation and hands-on creation. Each participant gets a paper plate, and is asked to write their name down on the face of the plate. A tub of Lego bricks is passed around and each participant takes a handful of pieces to put on their plate. The facilitator guides the participants to recollect and meditate on an event from the past. The participants are then given a chance to reconstruct their recalled event with the Lego bricks on their plate. This is done three times, including an event from the recent past, distant past (e.g., teenager), and remote past (e.g., childhood). By recollecting past events across time, the participants may glean various insights about themselves or their lives, such as how certain things tend to be important to them, how certain things have changed, or how the past has affected their present. The key learning from the exercise, however, is to observe that regardless of change, there is a sense of self, i.e., an observer self, that provides a sense of continuity across time and events. This is the self-as-context in ACT, distinguishing it from the self as defined by concepts and stories. In other words, while the participants may focus on various pieces of Lego blocks as symbolic representations of themselves, another perspective is to locate the self as the paper plate with their name on it that contain all the various pieces of Lego blocks, which change and vary over time in configuration The construction and deconstruction of the Lego blocks reinforce the letting go of and the defusion from the stories that we hold on to about ourselves, whether they are good or bad, joyful or traumatic, heroic or tragic.
这个练习包含导引冥想和动手创作。我们会发给每名组员一个纸盘子,要求他们在盘子上写下他们的名字。将一桶乐高积木块儿依次传给大家,组员们会从中拿出一把乐高块儿放到他们的盘子里。小组带领者会指导组员们回顾并默想一个过去的事件。组员会有机会依照回忆的事件摆放他们的乐高块。这样做三次,涵盖不久前发生的,较久远的(比如青少年期),以及很久以前的事件(比如,儿童时期)。追忆过去的事件,组员们可能会累积对自己的和自己人生的各种见解,比如某些事情对他们更重要,某些事情已经发生改变,他们的过去对现在的影响。 但是,本次练习的要点,是要观察到不论如何变化,总有一个自我,也就是一个观察的自己,会历经岁月恒久不变。这就是ACT中的以己为景,是和由概念和故事定义的自己区分开来的自我。换一种说法,组员们可能会关注那些象征他们自己的各种乐高块,而可以采取的另一个视角,是把自己看成是写有他们名字的、承装着各种随着时间而变化的乐高块的那个纸盘子,堆起和推倒乐高块会有助于放下和解离那些我们抓住不放的关于我们自己的故事,不论他们是好的还是坏的,快乐的还是曾给我们带来伤害的,英雄化的还是悲剧性的。

ACE Processes ACE流程

  • Self-as-context 以己为景
  • Defusion解离
  • Compassion 恻隐心

Key Learning Points 学习要点

  • We can get in touch with a continuous experience of the self-as-context: the observer self, i.e., the self that observes ideas and stories around us and not be defined by them, or the self as a vessel or container, i.e., we contain all our experiences, but we are not the experiences themselves. We are the context in which our inner contents unfold.
  • Although we may have negative self-concepts, i.e., negative thoughts about ourselves, we can learn to let them go. We have thoughts, but we are not our thoughts.
  • We do not have to be afraid of past memories. They do not define us and cannot hurt us if we mindfully observe them as what they are, not become fused with them.
  • When we realize that there is a sense of self-as-context that is independent of self-concepts and persist regardless of past difficult events, we become more resilient and ready to accept whatever the present offers as the future unfolds.
  • Even with positive ideas, roles, and stories about ourselves, if we rigidly hold on to them, we may be overwhelmed by loss or change.
  • We need not be constrained by any ideas, self-concepts, or stories. This enables us to grow, make bold newchoices, and experience life more fully.我们不必被任何想法、自我概念或故事所束缚。这样我们就可以成长,做出大胆的新选择,并体验更丰富的人生。

Materials 教學用具

  • Tub of small plastic building blocks, about 10-15 pieces per participant
  • Paper plates, one per participant
  • Permanent markers 彩笔

Instructions & Sample Script 说明和示范文稿

  1. Introduction – “This exercise helps us explore our sense of self, that is, our sense of who we are.”
  2. Distribute paper plates and then the building blocks – “Please write down your name on the face of your paper plate. Once you have done that, please take a handful of Lego blocks and put them on your plate.”
  3. Guided meditation about the recent past and notice the continuity of self.
  • “Please put down your plate on the floor. If you are willing, please close your eyes or fixate at a point in front of you. We will just spend a few moments becoming aware of the present moment and our breath.”
  • “Now let’s think back to something that happened to you last summer – whatever comes to your mind is fine. See if you can recall that event as clearly as you can … Notice where you were and who you were with … Notice what you were seeing … hearing … doing … feeling … or thinking … Notice that it was you who was there, noticing all these things and experiencing all these things … See if you can notice that there is a sense of continuity between the ‘you’ back then and the ‘you’ that is here, right now, recalling all this …”
  • “Let us return to our breath and the present moment … whenever you are ready, you may open your eyes.”
  1. Recreate the recent past with Lego blocks. 用乐高积木重建不久前的过去
  • “Please pick up your plates and reconstruct your story with your Lego blocks. You will have about 3 minutes. When you are done, you can set it down on the floor.” 3 minutes
  • “… Please stop building if you have not already finished. Whatever stage you are at, take a moment to just observe what you have created. You may even peek at your neighbours’ and guess what they have built.”
  1. Guided meditation about the distant past and notice the observer self.
  • “Please put your plate on the floor. We will now do a second meditative exercise. If you are willing, please close your eyes or fixate at a point in front of you. We will just spend a few moments to become aware of the present moment and our breath …”
  • “Now cast your mind a bit farther back and recall another event in the summer – this time from your younger years as a teenager … Notice what you were doing and who you were with … Notice all that you were seeing, hearing, doing, thinking, or feeling … Notice what you wore and how you looked … Perhaps, your hairstyle was quite different back then … Different things might have been important to you back then … yet, in spite of differences, it was still you that was there … there was a part of you back then observing all that … we can call that the ‘observer-you’ … the ‘observer-you’ back then is the same as the ‘observer-you’ that is here, right now, recalling and observing all this …”
    “现在把你的思绪投向再远一些的过去,并回忆在某个夏天发生的另一件事—这次是发生在你更年轻的时候,青少年时期… 留意你在做什么,与谁在一起…留意所有你在看的,听的,做的,想的,或者感觉的事情…留意你穿着什么,看起来什么样子…也许,你的发型在那时候非常不同…对你来说很重要在那时是不同的…然而,尽管有这么多不同,始终是这个你,在那里…你的一部分,在那个时候观察着这一切…我们可以把这叫做“观察的你”…那时的“观察的你”和此时此刻的在回忆,在观察的“观察的你”是同一个你…”
  • “Allow yourself to bring back that story to the present … and let us return to our breath and the present moment … whenever you are ready, you may open your eyes.”
  1. Recreate the distant past with Lego blocks.
  • “You may take one last look at your previous creation… now, let’s pull the pieces apart… notice anything that shows up for you when taking them apart… and reconstruct your teenage story with your Lego blocks. You will have about 3 minutes. When you are done, you can set it down on the floor.”(3 minutes timer)
  • “… Please stop building if you have not already finished. Whatever stage you are at, take a moment to just observe what you have created. You may look at your neighbours’ and guess what they have built.”
    “ …如果你还没有完成,也请停止。无论你做到哪一步,花一点时间观察你创造的东西。你可以看你旁边的人的,并猜猜他们搭的是什么。”
  1. Guided meditation about the remote past and notice the self as perspective.
  • “Please put your plate on the floor. We will now do a final meditative exercise. If you are willing, please close your eyes or fixate at a point in front of you. We will just spend a few moments to become aware of the present moment and our breath…”
  • “Now cast your mind even farther back and recall another event in the summer – this time from your childhood years … 
 Notice what you were doing and who you were with … Notice all that you were seeing, hearing, doing, thinking, and feeling … Notice that your role then was quite different from your role now… Notice that your little body then was very different back then … and probably every single cell in your body has been replaced now by a different cell … yet, notice that the ‘you’ that was there back then is the same ‘you’ that is here right now, recalling all this … ‘you’ have never been me or someone else … ‘you’ have been ‘you’ your whole life…”
    “现在请将你的思绪投到更遥远的过去,回忆某个夏天的另一件事—这一次是你的儿童时期…留意当时你在做什么,和谁在一起…留意所有你看到的,听到的,正在做的,想的,和感受到的…留意那时你的角色和现在是相当不同的…留意你小小的身体在那时是非常不同的…也许你身体里的每一个细胞都已经换成另一个了… 然而,请注意那个过去的‘你’和现在这个正在回忆所有这些的‘你’是同一个‘你’…‘你’从来不是我或其他人…在整整一生中,‘你’一直就是‘你’”
  • “Allow yourself to bring back that story to the present … and let us return to our breath and the present moment … whenever you are ready, you may open your eyes.”
  1. Recreate the remote past with Lego blocks.
  • “You may take one last look at your previous creation… now, let’s pull the pieces apart… notice anything that shows up for you when taking them apart… and reconstruct your childhood story with your Lego blocks. You will have about 3 minutes. When you are done, you can set it down on the floor.”
  • “… Please stop building if you have not already finished.”
  1. Debriefing. “We have finished the final story from the past. Would anyone like to share their experience of this exercise?”
  2. The “Take-home” Message. Ask the participants to look at their plate of Lego chunks and find themselves in it, raising it up high to show others. Reveal the actual metaphor for self-as-context is that we are the plate – we are the context but not the content of our experiences. Participants can keep the paper plates to “take home”, while the facilitators can retrieve the Lego pieces for reuse.“需要参与者传达的练习要义”。请参与者看一下他们盘中的乐高积木,并使其尝试从中发现自己,让他们将盘子高高举起展示给他人。向参与者揭示,以己为景中,真正的比喻是把我们自己当做盘子——我们是我们过去的体验的背景而不是其内容。参与者可以将纸盘“带回家”,而小组带领者将收回乐高积木以备再次使用。

Debriefing & Sample Scripts 小结和示范文稿

Exploration of participants’ experience  探索参与者的体验

  • “What have you noticed in recalling the past three events? What did you learn?”
  • Participants may notice common recurrent themes. Conversely, they may also notice that they have changed over the years. This reflective process itself may be helpful for some participants, even though this is at a content level of engagement with the narratives.
  • Draw on participants’ experience to review self-as-context as embedded in the exercise:
  • The continuity of sense of self across time, including the sense of self as an observer in the past and present as well as the sense of self-as-perspective (‘you’ have always been ‘you’, and not ‘me’)
  • While the sense of being the same ‘you’ continues, observe that everything else changes, including emotions, thoughts, roles, stories, time, age, appearance, physical body, etc.
  • Explore the participant’s experience with the construction and deconstruction process:
  • “What was it like when you were taking apart what you have created?” – Participants may notice an unwillingness to take apart their creation, especially if they have not had a chance to share or if the event is positive. Notice the tendency to want to hold on to things, even though they are now just symbolic and representational.
  • Participants may complain that they do not have the right skills or pieces needed to construct exactly what they want. Sometimes, we do not have all the ‘pieces’ we want in life. Further, even though it may seem important for us to recapture the past, actually, we can never really reproduce the past exactly as it has occurred ever again. Even our memory is not exact. It is a form of fusion with the past.
  • Exploration of the potential suffering caused by fusion of the self continues as below.

Being weighed down by self-concepts 被自我概念所贬低

  • “We can easily confuse our ‘selves’ with ideas and concepts about ourselves. We can become fused with thoughts like “I am no good” and “I am unlovable”, which can haunt us again and again. If we look at the plate, it holds the building blocks, but it has never been affected by them. Similarly, we are the person with these thoughts, but these thoughts are not us – they do not define us and can’t change us in any way. We do not have to buy into them or even fret over them when they show up.”

Being weighed down by past events and memories 被过去的事件和记忆所压垮

  • “Behind some of our negative self-concepts, sometimes there may be an origin story. We can experience events and loss that are deeply tragic or traumatic or regrettable. We can become fused with past events, feeling forever diminished by them. If we realize that we are the plate and not the Lego bricks, these past events would not wield so much power, as they do not define us. Further, just like taking apart Lego bricks, we can practice letting go of these events. Even if the memories revisit us, we can let them go again, and be ready to welcome new possibilities in the next new moment and see what new stories will be told by the Lego bricks.”

Loss of sense of self 失去自我意识

  • “If we define ourselves by our self-descriptions, roles, or stories, even positive ones, we can become quite vulnerable. When changes occur, we may feel completely lost. If you define yourself by your job, what happens when you retire or lose your job? If you define yourself as being the role of a family member, what happens when you lose your loved one? Even though being dedicated to our roles and values help us function, actually defining ourselves by what we do or our roles may make us less able to deal with change and loss.”

Being constricted by our own self-stories 被我们自己的故事所束缚

  • “Rigid identification with ideas about ourselves can constrict our actions and true potential. If you say to yourself ‘I’m shy’ or ‘I can never sing or dance’ or ‘I can never make a social change’, you may be closing yourself off from many potential opportunities, choices, or experiences in your life and limit your capacity to grow or your capacity to help or relate to others.”

The “Take-home” Metaphor “需要练习者传达给他人”比喻

  • “Looking at this (point to a plate of Lego blocks) – where are you in all of this? If there are pieces or chunks that represent you, please lift them up for all to see.”
  • “Is there another way to find ‘you’ in that plate of Lego blocks?”
  • “You are actually the plate that contains all the Lego pieces… not the pieces themselves, which have always been changing…the plate even has your name written on it…the answer has been with you from the very beginning of this exercise…”
  • “So whatever difficult stories, memories, and internal experiences you have had, as depicted by the Lego blocks, we are still here… as the plate … and we do not need to hang on to past stories or other rigid beliefs … just as the pieces on the plate are naturally taken apart over time, however positive or negative …”
  • “We are the container of our experiences … we have our thoughts but we are not our thoughts … we have our memories but we are not our memories … we live through events but we are not bounded by any events … we can realize this when we are in touch with ourselves as the plate … we can be open and flexible to the ever-changing experiences of life and be ready for new stories to occur as the future unfolds …”

Specific Application 具体应用

  • Stigma – The second story elicited can focus on an incident in which the participants feel stigmatized, marginalized, ostracized, or unfairly treated. During debriefing, discuss internalized stigma – “Internalized stigma occurs when we buy into negative messages about who we are, what we can or cannot do, how much we are worth, and what we deserve. When we realize we are like the plate rather than any Lego pieces, we can be empowered to not let any of these messages define and constrain us.”


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Linking Hearts, Building Resilience 心相连,培韧性 Copyright © 2023 by Kenneth Po-Lun Fung, Josephine Pui-Hing Wong, Alan Tai-Wai Li is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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