Module 4: Self-as-context, Interdependence 培训模块四:以己为景, 相互依存

Loving Kindness Meditation 慈心冥想

Objectives 目标

  1. Engage participants in being in touch with values of being loving, kind, and compassionate toward themselves and others
  2. Facilitate participants in becoming aware of their interdependence
  3. Motivate participants towards caring for self and others

 Suggested Time 建议时间

  • 45 minutes 分钟

Number of Facilitators 小组带领者人数

  • 1

Brief Description 简述

While Metta, compassion meditation, originated in Buddhism, it has become accepted as a beneficial practice for everyone, as this meditative practice cultivates compassion for self and others. In this exercise, the facilitator leads a loving kindness meditation followed by a group discussion. Along with the concept of interdependence, it motivates participants towards taking committed action to promote mental health and care for themselves and others.
慈悲冥想Metta起源于佛教,但它已被接受为对每个人都有益的练习,因为这种冥想培养了人们对自己和他人的慈悲心。 在本练习中,小组带领者会导引一个慈心冥想,然后进行小组讨论。 除了了解相互依存的概念,它还帮助参与者采取承诺的行动来促进心理健康,爱自己和他人。

ACE Processes ACE流程

  • Compassion 恻隐
  • Interdependence 相互依存
  • Self-as-context 以己为景
  • Values 价值观
  • Defusion 解离

Key Learning Points 关键学习点

  • Loving kindness is being kind and compassionate and having unconditional love, care, and concern for the wellbeing of a person to be free from suffering.
  • Loving kindness and compassion for self is an important starting point for developing loving kindness and compassion for self and others.
  • Realizing our interdependence helps us cultivate loving kindness and vice versa.
  • Loving kindness and interdependence can decrease the negative impact of internalized and social stigma and motivate committed action towards improving the wellbeing of everyone.

Materials 教學用具

Instructions & Sample Script 说明和示范文稿

  1. Introduction – “We will doing a mindfulness exercise called loving kindness. It is about universal compassion and unconditional love for the wellbeing of a person and for that person to be free from suffering.”
    Ring the bell and read the script. 敲响铃声,开始朗读指导语
  2. Debrief the exercise – “Would anyone like to share your experience? As we went through the exercise with each category of people, what did you observe?”

Debriefing & Sample Scripts 小结和示例文稿

Starting with the Self 从自我开始

  • “Was it uncomfortable to begin the loving kindness practice with the self? Although it may be counterintuitive, it does heal and recharge us … and help us give out the best quality of loving kindness to others … because it will no longer be coming from a place where we feel wanting or demanding some things from others. How often do we pass on our suffering to others, when we ourselves are unhappy? So, it is ok to start with good intentions for our wellbeing and for us to be free from suffering. We are all capable of freely giving this loving kindness and compassion to ourselves.”

Sending unconditional loving kindness to others向他人传递无条件的爱

  • “In this meditation, we practice extending out our loving kindness and compassion to others. Did you notice any resistance when it comes to people we do not like or may not feel particularly invested in? So this is a practice for overcoming any fused thoughts that may limit our loving kindness and compassion. Unconditional and universal loving kindness and compassion means nobody needs to earn it. We are all capable of freely giving this loving kindness and compassion to others.”


  • “Further, as we contemplate deeper about our interconnectedness and become less rigid of ‘us’ vs. ‘them’, we realize that we are really practicing loving kindness and compassion for all of us. Conversely, when we practice loving kindness and compassion for all living things, it helps us let go of the usual fusion that make us get angry or become self-centered, and so it makes it easier for us to see that we are actually all interconnected.”

Call to Action呼吁行动

  • “Being more in touch with our values of compassion AND with a wider perspective of interdependence, how can we put this into practice in life? What kinds of actions are you motivated to take?”

Specific Application 具体应用

  • Stigma – “How can we apply loving kindness to ourselves to let go of any internalized stigma? What does our intention of alleviating mental suffering of others motivate us to do?”

References 参考

Venerable Dhammarakkhita. (2001). Metta Bhavana. Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc.


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Linking Hearts, Building Resilience 心相连,培韧性 Copyright © 2023 by Kenneth Po-Lun Fung, Josephine Pui-Hing Wong, Alan Tai-Wai Li is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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