Module 4: Self-as-context, Interdependence 培训模块四:以己为景, 相互依存

Three Things I Did Today 今天我做的三件事


  1. Promote awareness of our interdependence on each other and the environment
  2. Critically reflect on the interconnectedness of people, resources, systems, and policies
  3. Foster individual and collective efforts to reduce mental health stigma and promote wellbeing

 Suggested Time建议时长

  • 45 minutes 45分钟

 Number of Facilitators小组 带领者人数

  • 1

Brief Description简述

In this exercise, the participants are guided to reflect on an ordinary activity and become aware of the people, resources, systems, and policies that enable it. This involves listing these factors out and constructing a simple relationship map. The process helps decrease the fusion to an illusory sense of independent self, promoting the realization of interdependence. Our interconnection with others and systems can decrease blame, foster compassion, and empower participants to work individually and collectively to improve wellbeing of everyone at individual and systemic levels.

ACE Processes ACE 流程

  • Interdependence 相互依存
  • Compassion 恻隐心
  • Self-as-context 以己为景
  • Defusion 解离
  • Values 价值观

Key Learning Points 关键学习点

  • Although we sometimes think of ourselves as being independent, we are actually interdependent on each other.
  • All of us are impacted by many systemic factors not directly under our control.
  • Our value-guided committed actions, however small, have the potential of benefiting many others.
  • If we work individually and collectively at both individual and systemic levels, we can improve the collective wellbeing of everyone.

Materials 教學用具

Instructions & Sample Script 指导及示例文稿

  1. Introduction – “This exercise helps us reflect on how we are interrelated with one another.”
  2. Distribute worksheet and give directions – “For part A, we invite you to write down 3 ordinary things you did today. It can be things like brushing you hair, having a cup of tea, or taking the transit here. For part B, pick one of the 3 activities and reflect on resources, people, infrastructures, systems, or policies that make that one activity possible. It does not have to be exhaustive. You have 5 minutes for this.” Read an example from the worksheet.
  3. Diagram – “Now, for Part C, please draw out the relationships emanating from your selected action in the centre. As you branch out, use small circles for people and rectangles for non-human resources. You can put in any infrastructures, systems, or policies as larger enveloping ovals in the background. It does not have to be exhaustive. You have 5 minutes for this. Just see how much you can come up with.” Draw an example on the flipchart as below.

  1. Debriefing. “Would anyone like to share what you came up with? What did you observe? In drawing out the relationships, what did you discover? What does this inspire you to do?”

Debriefing & Sample Scripts 总结和示范文稿

Interdependence 相互依存

  • “Sometimes, we may come to believe in an ‘independent self’ – especially when some sociocultural forces promote this. Yet, when we reflect on any single simple action, it becomes apparent that it is contingent on us being connected directly and indirectly to many other people, even those we do not consider part of our friends, families, or ‘in-group’ network. We are actually connected to countless people, far and wide and from present to the past. This realization can decrease our sole focus on ourselves and gain an appreciation and gratitude of others. For some of us, this may help decrease the sense of isolation, alienation, and abandonment – because we never are truly disconnected from humanity. And, if we are this connected, others’ problems are part of ours too. As we learn about self-as-context and loosen our fusion with self concepts, the next challenge is to also flexibly being able to let go of the rigid concept of ‘I’ vs ‘not I’… and ‘us’ vs ‘them’. Compassion and our sense of social responsibility will become readily apparent.”
    “有时,我们可能会相信‘独立的自我’ – 特别是当某些社会文化力量宣扬这一点时。然而,当我们反思任何单一的简单行动时,就很明显看出,它决定于我们那些直接或间接地与许多其他人的联系,即使我们从未觉得那人是我们的朋友、家人或“小团体内”的人际网络中的人。事实上,我们与无数人,从过去到现在一直都有广泛联系。这种理解可以让我们减少对自己的单独关注,并增加对他人的欣赏和感激。对于我们当中的一些人来说,这可能有助于减少孤立感、疏离感和遗弃感——因为我们从未真正脱离人性。而且,如果我们这样保持相互连接,其他人的问题也成了我们的一部分问题。当我们了解以己为景并放松与自我概念的融合时,接下来的挑战是能够灵活地放下“我”与“非我”……以及“我们”与“他们”的僵化概念。慈悲心和我们的社会责任感将变得显而易见。”

Appreciation of systemic factors 评价系统因素

  • “In any civilization, there are systems, structures, and policies that facilitate our everyday living. These are just some of the many things in our lives not directly under our control. This realization can decrease our tendency to blame or make simple attributions to ourselves, others, or even certain groups of people.”

Pay it forward 把爱传出去

  • “If we are all interconnected as people and through systems, every action that we take, small or big, has an impact on others and the system. In chaos theory, this is called the Butterfly Effect – the flap of a butterfly wing far away may be related to a storm weeks later. So we need not worry so much about immediate outcomes as long as we are committed to our values in our action. All of us have the power towards advancing everyone’s wellbeing, which is ultimately all interconnected, even if our efforts are not immediately noticeable.”

Working together and at multiple levels 在多层面上共同工作

  • “To contribute to the community, we can take action at multiple levels, both individual and systemic. As we contribute our talents and utilize the roles that we can play, our collective committed action, guided by our collective values, can better the community.”

Specific Application 具体应用

  • Stigma – “How can we apply this exercise to decrease stigma and improve our collective mental health and wellbeing? What systems or polices may be needed?”
    污名化 – “我们如何应用这项练习来减少污名化,并改善我们共同的心理健康和幸福感?可能还需要哪些体系或政策?“

References 参考

Wong, J. P. (2011). Understanding Interbeing: Socio-ecological Approaches in Health Promotion. Lecture in Community Health Nursing, Ryerson University (unpublished).


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Linking Hearts, Building Resilience 心相连,培韧性 Copyright © 2023 by Kenneth Po-Lun Fung, Josephine Pui-Hing Wong, Alan Tai-Wai Li is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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