Module 5: Values 培训模块五:价值观

Your Legacy 你的传承

Objectives 目标

  1. Facilitate participants to clarify their most important values
  2. Facilitate participants to identify their important relationships
  3. Promote impetus towards aligning participants’ actions with their values

Suggested Time 建议时间

  • 15 – 30 minutes 15-30分钟

Number of Facilitators 带领者人数

  • 1

Brief Description 简述

Projection into a desired future helps sharpen our focus in the present and the necessary actions that get us there. In this exercise, participants are invited to imagine a perfect future. They are invited to write about themselves from the perspective of three different people in their lives, with their values, choices, and actions woven in these brief narratives. This facilitates the participants’ reflection on who and what they care most about and whether their actions and choices are aligned with and driven by their espoused values. This exercise can be done following the Cultural and Personal Values exercise and taken up together.

ACE Processes ACE 流程

  • Values 价值观
  • Interdependence 相互依存

Key Learning Points 学习要点

  • Our chosen values are directions that can guide our actions, and we can form achievable goals that are consistent with our values.
  • Regular mindful reflection of our present choices and actions can help us notice if we stray off course due to avoidance, procrastinations, or distractions. We can always return to the path as guided by our values.
  • If our path is obstructed and we feel stuck, we can flexibly make alternative goals in the service of our values.

Materials 教學用具

Instructions & Sample Script 介绍和示范文稿

  1. Introduction – “Your values is what is most important to you in your life – what you stand for or care passionately about. Let us explore how your values are enacted in your life.”
    简介 – “你的价值观就是那些你生命中对你最重要的 – 你会为之坚定地争取或者热情地关注的东西。让我们探讨一下你的价值观是如何在你的生活中被运用的。“
  2. Instructions for a narrative reflective exercise – “Imagine that some time in the future, your life has unfolded perfectly just as you wished and you were able to do all the things you have really wanted to do. Some of the important people in your life have decided to put together a brief biography about you to ensure that your actions and legacy are known to others. It may ultimately be in the form of a book or a webpage or even an epic poem! Select three people in your mind who would be doing this task. These 3 people could be your family, friends, or members of your community. Write a brief story or a few sentences from each of these people’s perspective, focusing on your values, i.e., what you care most about, and how your choices and actions in life demonstrate these values. Underline your values as you are writing the narrative.” (If this exercise is done after the Cultural and Personal Values exercise, prompt participants to utilize words circled from that worksheet.)
    叙述性反思练习的说明 – “想象一下,在未来的某个时间,你的生活已经完全按照你的意愿展开,你能够完成你真正想做的所有事情。 你生活中的一些重要人物决定汇总一份关于你的简短传记,以确保你的行为和传承为他人所知。它最终可能是书籍或网页甚至是史诗的形式! 在脑海中选择三个来完成这项任务的人。 这三个人可能是您的家人、朋友或社区成员。请以这些人的视角写一个简短的故事或几句话,重点关注你的价值观,即你最关心的事情,以及你在生活中的选择和行为是如何展现这些价值观的。 在撰写叙述时,请在你的价值观下面划线。”(如果此练习是在“文化和个人价值观”练习之后完成的,则提示参与者使用该工作表中圈出的词语。)
  3. Debriefing – “Why did you choose the people you listed? What have you learned about your values, choices, and actions? What does the exercise affirm and what changes is it prompting you to make?
    小结 – “你为什么会选择那几个你列出的人? 您对自己的价值观选择和行动有什么了解? 这个练习对什么做出了肯定,以及它促使你做出哪些改变?

Debriefing & Sample Scripts 小结和示范文稿

Values vs Goals 价值观VS目标

  • “Can you distinguish your values versus your goals in the narratives?”
  • “Values are our chosen directions in life, and so, they are not something that can ever be achieved or completed. Like going east … from here, we can go to a street east of here … and still you can always go further east … Similarly, notice that in your narratives, values serve as an ever-present guide for on-going kinds of actions that never end, like a star that guides you forever eastward. For example, being a caring parent does not end with changing the 100th diaper… there is no endpoint and there are always opportunities for more caring actions.”
  • “What helps us along the way as we strive towards our values is to set goals.  Goals are achievable, like graduating from school, working out in the gym three times a week, or hosting a get-together for your family. Goals are like stops along a bus route. In our journey of life, we can carry out committed actions along our path we travel towards our valued direction.”

Checking our bearings 你身在何處, 去向何方

  • “Even though we imagine the future, this exercise is really about reflecting your life in the present. The future is in the now. Have you been investing your time and energy in the things that really matter? Are there more valued activities that you have been putting off? Are there alternative choices you can be making? If we notice that we are deviating off the path, maybe from avoidance, procrastinations, or distractions, we can pause and reflect; get our new bearings; set new goals; and continue on with our journey.”
    “即使我们想象未来,这个练习也是为了反映你现在的生活。 未来就在现在。 你有没有把时间和精力投入到真正重要的事情上? 你推迟了更有价值的活动吗? 您会选择其他可能吗? 如果我们注意到我们偏离了路径,可能因为是因为回避、拖延或分心,我们可以停下来反思一下,找到我们的新方位,设定新目标,并继续我们的旅程。“

Flexible Goals 灵活的目标

  • “Knowing our valued directions helps us remain flexible. Imagine that you are going east and there is a roadblock. When we know our desired direction, we can just take an alternate route that is consistent with our true valued directions. Rather than giving up or procrastinating, are there areas of your life that may benefit from such a change in goals so that you can actually move forward towards your values?”
    了解我们重视的方向有助于我们保持灵活性。 想象一下,你要往东走,而且遇到了一个路障。 当我们知道我们想要的方向时,我们可以采取与我们真正珍惜的方向一致的另一条路线。 除了放弃或拖延,你生活中是否有些领域可能会受益于这种对目标的调整,这样你可以真正向你的价值观前进?

Specific Application 具体应用 

  • Stigma – “For the second narrative, see if you can focus on values, choices, and actions that would lead to decrease stigma in self and others, and for the third narrative, focus on values, choices, and actions that would promote equity and wellbeing to you, to your family and friends, or to the communities.”
    污名化 – “对于第二个叙述,看看你是否可以专注于那些可以减少对自我和他人污名化的价值观、选择和行动。而对于第三个叙述,去关注可以促进公平的,以及增加你、你的家人、朋友或社区的幸福安康的价值观、选择和行动。“

References 参考资料

  • Inspired by Attending Your Own Funeral in Hayes, S. C. with Smith, S. (2005). Get out of your mind and into your life (p.111). Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publication, Inc.


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