Foreword and Acknowledgement 序言和致谢

Greetings and welcome to joining our movement in mental health promotion and collective empowerment!

Mental health is a vital aspect of wellbeing in each and everyone of us. The term itself, however, is sometimes associated with negative stigmatizing connotations. There is work to be done to eliminate mental stigma and all other kinds of stigma in society and within ourselves.  What are stigmatizing thoughts but stories and beliefs that diminish, divide, and disempower us? The remedy, as well as the path of healing and empowerment, lies in strengthening our wellbeing at the core, touching the heart of each of us individually and linking our hearts with each other collectively. This manual is lovingly crafted with this purpose in mind and heart.

Our manual will help you as trained facilitators to deliver group sessions to promote mental wellbeing, increase resilience, decrease mental health stigma, and increase activism and advocacy to promote mental health using our intervention model, Acceptance and Commitment to Empowerment (ACE), rooted in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Group Empowerment Psychoeducation (GEP). This is in the context of our research project that aims to promote youth mental health in China through our ACE-Linking Youth and ‘Xin’ (hearts) (ACE-LYNX) intervention. The manual includes detailed instructions, debriefing guidelines, and practical tips on engaging participants in ACE-LYNX experiential group exercises. The intervention can be useful in promoting mental health of all ages from all corners of the world, transcending the literal limits of language and culture, if the facilitator can embody the ACE model, outreach from the heart first and foremost, and engage participants in a dynamic participatory process.

This manual builds on the insights and lessons learned from numerous completed intervention research and programs over a decade. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all those who have contributed to the development and refinement of the ACE-LYNX learning activities and production of this manual, including:

  • Participants and team members of two projects – Community Champions HIV/AIDS Advocates Mobilization Project (funded by Canadian Institute of Health Research, 2011-2014); and Strength In Unity: Reducing Mental Illness Stigma Among Men in Asian Communities in Canada (funded by Movember Canada, 2014-2017). Their valuable feedback and insights have been instrumental in shaping this manual and ensuring that it meets the needs of facilitators and participants alike.
  • Dr. Mateusz Zurowski, who contributed to the Acceptance and Commitment Training modules in the CHAMP study.
  • Ms. Sunny Li, who translated this training manual from English into Chinese.
  • Linking Hearts team members in Jinan, especially Professor Cheng Shengli and Professor Yu Miao, who led the Chinese team consultation and cultural interpretation of this training manual to ensure accuracy and relevance to the local context of Jinan, Shandong, China, as well as the leadership and support of Professors Jia Cun-Xian and Gao Jianguo.
  • Mr. Clarence Cheung and Mr. Keith Wong for their contributions in the editing and production of this openbook.

We hope that this manual will serve as a valuable resource to disseminate ACE-LYNX groups in our collective efforts to link hearts, increase resilience, and promote collective empowerment.


心理健康是我們每個人幸福生活裏重要的一部分。然而,大眾有時會賦予這個詞污名化的含義。從整個社會宏觀層面和個體微觀層面來說,要消除對於心理疾病的污名化以及其他類型的污名化,還有很長一段路要走。污名化的想法,其实就是那些贬低我们的尊严、离间我们与他人关系、和剝奪我們的權力的 一些故事和信念,別無其二。而通往治愈和賦權之路的核心就在於加強我們內在的幸福感,震撼我们的心灵,令我们真心相系。我们在撰写本手册的过程中,深怀着热情以及实现上述抱负的希冀,倾尽诚意,将多年积累的宝贵经验和智慧分享予大家。

本手册将指导您如何作为受训的小组带领者,使用我们的干预模型“接纳和承诺赋权”(ACE)来带领团体活动,以提高心理健康水平、增强抗逆力、减少心理健康污名化,并增加促进心理健康的积极性和行动力。ACE模型来源于接纳和承诺疗法(ACT)和群体赋权心理教育(GEP)的有机结合。本手册是我们的科研项目ACE-Linking Youth and ‘Xin’ (hearts)(ACE-LYNX)的结晶之一。该项目又称为“心相连”项目,主要面向中国济南六所高校和当地精神卫生中心开展,旨在通过实施AACE模型干预来促进中国高校学生的心理健康。本手册包括详细的指导说明、小结指导和使参与者更加沉浸于体验式团体练习中的实用技巧。如果带领者能够通过活动流程充分展现ACE模型,与团体成员从心开始产生联结,在活动过程中根据团体动态调整带领策略而使成员更加融入,那么该干预模式将跨越语言和文化的限制,被广泛运用到世界各地各个年龄段的群体内,以推动目标群体的心理健康。


  • 两个项目的参与者和团队成员——Community Champions HIV/AIDS Advocates Mobilization Project 社区艾滋病CHAMPS倡导动员项目(由加拿大卫生研究院资助,2011-2014年)和Strength In Unity: Reducing Mental Illness Stigma Among Men in Asian Communities in Canada 团结力量:减少加拿大亚裔社区男性的精神疾病污名(由Movember Canada资助,2014-2017年)。他们宝贵的意见和反馈在本手册的修订方面起到了重要作用,确保本手册能够满足主持人和参与者的需求。
  • 在CHAMP研究中,对于接纳和承诺培训模块做出重要贡献的Mateusz Zurowski博士。
  • 将此培训手册从英文翻译至中文的李雨心女士。
  • 济南的心相连项目组成员,我们尤其对程胜利教授和于淼博士表达衷心的谢意。他们主导了针对此培训手册的咨询和文化诠释,以确保其准确性和与中国山东省济南市当地文化习俗的适用性。同时,我们对贾存显教授和高鉴国教授的高效领导和支持表示感谢。
  • 张容与先生和黄锦强先生为将本手册制作成开放式书籍进行了至关重要的编辑和制作工作。对此,我们深表谢意。



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Linking Hearts, Building Resilience 心相连,培韧性 Copyright © 2023 by Kenneth Po-Lun Fung, Josephine Pui-Hing Wong, Alan Tai-Wai Li is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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