6.Predictions-Into the Future

Assignment 6: Artistic Advocacy/Social Media Advocacy Campaign (Final Project)

Based on the Midterm Project you created in Assignment #4, create an Artistic Project or a Social Media Advocacy Campaign for Assignment #6 – your Final Project.

Create an Artistic Project that advocates on behalf of a human rights issue, campaign, or activist. Alternatively, create a Social Media Advocacy Campaign that advocates for a human rights issue, campaign, or activist.

(1) Artistic Project:

Your Artistic Project will be a piece of visual art that advocates for a specific human rights issue, campaign, or activist (e.g., a protest poster, a sign for a protest, a campaign ad, etc.). Take the content that you created in your Assignment #4 Midterm Project rough draft and further refine it for your Final Project.

If you are creating a visual project as your Artistic Project, draw an image, shoot it with your phone, and upload a .jpeg photo as your Assignment 6. Alternatively, sign up for a free account at https://www.canva.com/ to create a digital version of your Artistic Project and upload a .jpeg that you create with Canva.

(2) Social Media Advocacy Campaign:

Your Social Media Advocacy Campaign will be a description of how you will use two major social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) to advocate for a specific human rights issue, campaign, or activist. Take the preliminary ideas that you brainstormed/outlined in your Assignment #4 Midterm Project rough draft and further refine them for your Final Project.

Describe your final ideas for your Final Project Social Media Advocacy Campaign in 1,000-1,250 words. Issues you might want to address include:

  • Which specific human rights issue, campaign, or activist would you like to campaign for?
  • Which two social media platforms will you use (e.g., Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube, etc.)
  • Why are these two platforms appropriate for your campaign?
  • Which messages are your Social Media Advocacy Campaign communicating?

For your Social Media Advocacy Campaign, feel free to include examples of social media posts that would assist with your campaign (e.g., tweets, descriptions of Facebook groups, descriptions of TikTok or YouTube videos, etc.).


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Social Media, Democracy, & International Human Rights Mobilization Copyright © by OCAD School of Continuing Studies and Ryerson Leadership Lab is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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