
Extra Media: Module #3-(Dis)information

Amanpour and Company. (2020, February 20). The Spread of Disinformation and the 2020 Election | Amanpour and Company [Video]. Amanpour and Company/ YouTube. (18:04)

BBC News. (2020, May 4). Fake News Generator: Who starts viral misinformation? – BBC News [Video]. BBC News/YouTube. (2:44)

BBC Radio 4. (2015, April 17). Rene Descartes – “I think, therefore I am” [Video]. BBC Radio 4/YouTube. (1:16)

D’Olimpio, L. (2016., July 26.). How do you know you’re not living in a computer simulation? The Conversation.

Kwon, K. H. (2021, November 15). Disinformation is spreading beyond the realm of spycraft to become a shady industry – lessons from South Korea. The Conversation.


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