6.Predictions-Into the Future

Extra Media: Module #6-Presentations & Predictions

DW News. (2021, June 4). The future of modern warfare: How technology is transforming conflict | DW Analysis [Video]. DW News/YouTube. (46:38)

Gentelet, K., & Mizrahi, S. K. (2021, September 26). We need concrete protections from artificial intelligence threatening human rights. The Conversation.

Gorman, A. (2016, October 7). To boldly go toward new frontiers, we first need to learn from our colonial past. The Conversation.

Jamie Clay. (2016, June 26). Future Shock Documentary (1972) [Video]. Jamie Clay/YouTube. (42:48)

Krishnamurthy, V. (2021, March 15). Planned social media regulations set a dangerous precedent. The Conversation.

MSNBC. (2021, July 13). Carl Sagan Predicted The Mess 2021 Would Be 25 years Ago [Video]. MSNBC/YouTube. (4:13)

mywebcowtube. (2016, June 2). Marshall McLuhan 1965 – The Future of Man in the Electric Age [Video]. mywebcowtube/YouTube. (16:11)

Tech Insider. (2017, March 5). 7 amazing technologies we’ll see by 2030 [Video]. Tech Insider/YouTube. (2:52)


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