6.Predictions-Into the Future

Overview: 6. Predictions-Into the Future


Learning Objectives:

  • Discover thoughts on the future of human rights, social media, and their evolving role in the fight against global oppression
  • Create either an Artistic Project or a Social Media Advocacy Campaign as a final project

This module will help learners predict future trends in human rights and social media as well as how they could relate to human rights mobilization. By the end, learners will demonstrate an understanding of the basic trends that will shape future social media and human rights.

Assignment 6: Artistic Project/Social Media Advocacy Campaign (Final Project)

  • Based on your Assignment 4 (either your Artistic Project or Social Media Advocacy Campaign Draft Midterm Project) create either an Artistic Project or Social Media Campaign Final Project that advocates for your issue, campaign, or activist.


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Social Media, Democracy, & International Human Rights Mobilization Copyright © by OCAD School of Continuing Studies and Ryerson Leadership Lab is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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