Course Description

The intersection of the arts, politics, and international activism has inspired creators, informed citizens, and motivated many social movements from democracy’s earliest days.

Social Media, Democracy, and International Human Rights Mobilization investigates these diverse fields and activities. It aims to help students understand and constructively engage with authoritarian regimes’ harassment of human rights campaigners and democracy practitioners.

It will also discuss recent online social movements that have captured the world’s imagination, from among #ArabSpring, #BlackLivesMatter; #MeToo, and #OccupyWallStreet.

In sum, this course attempts to empower Canadian creators and help citizens fight against rights abuses by helping them learn about these diverse topics.


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Social Media, Democracy, & International Human Rights Mobilization Copyright © by OCAD School of Continuing Studies and Ryerson Leadership Lab is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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