Section 3: ACT intervention to reduce stigma of mental illness
Activity 3.3 Review of ACT Training Activities
- To support participants in making clear connections of all the ACT activities to the ACT model
- To enhance an increased understanding of the ACT processes and how they can be applied after the training
Participation Format:
- Participants sit in a horseshoe initially; facilitators stand at the open end of the horseshoe circle; participants will then gather together in small groups around tables to do a card sort.
Number of Facilitators:
- 2
Time Required:
- 20 mins
Materials Required:
- Prepared flip chart page with list of ACT activities that have been carried out (see Activity 3.3. Review of ACT Training Activities)
- Prepared flip chart with the ACT process hexaflex (see Appendix 1.3.1 – Hexaflex ACT Model)
- Water-based colour markers, flip chart papers, and masking tape
- Sets of spare ACT Cards
Activities & Instructions
- Arrange all the chairs in a horseshoe shape
- Co-facilitators stand at the open end of the horseshoe
Instructions for participants
- Facilitator #1 will review the 6 core processes of the ACT model, and distribute the corresponding cards. (see Hexaflex: The ACT model of psychological flexibility on page 12 for brief descriptions of the core processes.)
- Together the facilitators will demonstrate and explain the hand gestures in the following sequence (see cards), asking participants to follow along:
- Defusion – Separating the hands – creating a distance between us and our thoughts
- Acceptance – Turning palm upwards – being open and accepting to our thoughts, feelings, and inner experiences
- Present Moment – Centering the edge of one hand on the palm of the other – being in the present moment
- Self-As-Context – Cupping the bottom palm to cradle the upper hand which curls into a fist – being the flexible holding self rather than fusing with its contents
- Values – Cupping with both hands – being in touch with what we value
- Committed Action – Hooking pinkies together – committing to act in the service of our values
- Facilitator #2 puts people together into 3 groups based on proximity and convenience, and asks each group to work together over 3 to 5 minutes to sort a set of ACT activities cards under the 6 core process cards; if none of the participants in a group has brought back their ACT cards, lend them a set for temporary use; ask them to gather around a table to do this; the 6 core process cards should be laid out on the table with the image-side face up in a horizontal row, and ACT activities cards are to be sorted beneath them with the word-side facing up; the colour of the ACT exercise cards is a potential clue, and it is fine if participants figure this out; the two ACT exercises that are to be covered later in this session will not be included in this exercise
- Facilitator #1 will begin the debriefing by posting up a list of ACT exercises on a flip-chart with the most associated ACT process beside it; discuss any differences between the groups’ answer with the facilitators’ list; in most cases, the answers are not wrong as most ACT exercises can illustrate more than one ACT core process; if there is a misunderstanding, clarify as needed
References & Sources
- Hexaflex (Hayes et al., 2013, p. 184)
Appendix 3.3 – ACT Activities Covered in Training Session 1 & 2 Summary
ACT Activities | ACT Processes |
Session 1 | |
1.4. The Marker Exercise | Defusion & Acceptance |
1.5. Inclusion/Exclusion Circle | Defusion and Values |
1.6. Mindfulness & Leaves-on-a-stream Exercise | Present Moment & Defusion |
Session 2 | |
2.3. Stigma Sculpture | Acceptance & Defusion |
2.4.1. Stories & rules regarding mental health/illness 2.4.2. Label Exercise 2.4.3. Paired singing |
Defusion & Acceptance |
2.5. Lego Exercise | Self-as-Context |
2.6. 100th Birthday Party | Values |
2.7. Cultural and Personal Values | Values |
2.8. Bull’s-Eye Exercise | Values & Committed Action |
2.9. Bus-Driver | All ACT processes |
2.10. Mindful Committed Action Plan | Committed Action & Values |