Section 1: Introduction
How to use this handbook
The ACT handbook is structured in three sections designed to indoctrinate interveners in the strategies used to empower clients and set them on the road to recovery
- Section One introduces the use of ACT as an intervention in the Strength-In-Unity project, outlines the purpose of the training manual, and describes the fundamental principles of adult learning and facilitation strategies that underly the ACT intervention activities;
- Section Two provides a concise explanation of the ACT model, including the theoretical concepts and values underpinning the model. It is essential for project team members, especially the intervention associates, to demonstrate a critical and clear understanding of the ACT model so that implementation adherence or fidelity will be achieved.
- Section Three consists of detailed instructions of all the ACT intervention activities to be implemented in the Strength-In-Unity project. A common template is used to outline the objectives, processes, and required resources for each ACT activity. These detailed instructions will enable project team members to carry out the ACT intervention activities consistently across all groups and to achieve a high level of adherence. It is critical for project team members engaging in ACT implementation to familiarize themselves with these instructions.
Additional information:
- Materials required for all training sessions: pens, name tags/labels, flip chart paper, water-based markers, masking tape, a timer and a mindfulness bell.
- Each training session requires the presence of two facilitators.
- Instructions for each ACT training activity are provided in a template to enhance consistency in delivery. For more complex activities, an additional column with comments for facilitators has been included to provide team members and intervention associates with detailed descriptions of potential participant dynamics and debriefing strategies.
- Handouts or other materials required for specific ACT training activities are included in appendices at the end of each activity template to enhance easy access. Team members and intervention associates are expected to prepare the required materials accordingly.
- A set of 22 ACT cards has been developed to enhance learning. Facilitators are to provide each participant with a relevant ACT card at the end of each ACT activity.
- At the end of each training session, facilitators are to provide participants with a post-session feedback form to complete at the session’s end. See appendix on the next page. The feedback may prompt the facilitators to address certain issues in the following session.
- Facilitators prepare honoraria for participants and have participants sign the honorarium acknowledgement form upon receipt of the honoraria.