Module 1: Introduction & Building Group Norms 培训模块一:理论入门和制定规则

How to get the most out of this workshop? 怎样充分利用这个工作坊?

Objective 目标

  • Orientate participants to fully and safely engage in the workshop

Suggested Time 建议时间

  • 15 – 20 minutes 15-20 分钟

Number of Facilitators 小组带领者人数

  • 1

Brief Description 简述

  • The facilitator shows PowerPoint slides of pictures without any words. For each slide, the facilitator discusses key themes around an issue that can facilitate group participation.

Materials 教學用具

Instructions & Sample Script 说明和示范文稿

  1. Spotlight – “Oftentimes we find ourselves focusing on the world outside of us. We may focus on problems and solutions as being out there. Or we may be focused on learning how to help others. In this workshop, see if you can allow yourself and your own experiences to be the center of your focus. Begin by letting the spotlight to be on yourself.”
    聚光灯 – “很多时候,我们发现自己专注于我们之外的世界。我们可能会把重点放在问题和外在的解决方案上。或者我们可能会专注于学习如何帮助他人。在本次工作坊中,看看你是否可以让自己和自己的体验成为你关注的中心。首先将聚光灯照在你自己身上。”
  2. Mirror – “In focusing on yourself, see if you can also allow yourself the space for self-reflection and an opportunity to take a good honest look at yourself and your life.”
    镜子 – “专注于自身时,看看你是否也可以让自己有自我反思的空间,并有机会对自己和自己的生活进行诚实的审视。”
  3. Open Window – “Self-reflection is most effective when we allow ourselves to ‘open-up.’ We would invite you to be open at least to yourself, and to the extent that you are willing, with the others in this group. Be open to new ideas and new experience, even if you find some exercises strange.”
    打开的窗子 – “当我们允许自己’打开自我’时,自我反思是最有效的。我们会邀请你至少先对自己敞开心扉,并且在你愿意的范围内,对这个小组中的其他人敞开心扉。请你开放地接受新想法和新体验,即使你对某些练习有些陌生的感觉。”
  4. Heart & Key – “In order for all of us to feel safe to open our hearts and share our feelings in this group, we must have the assurance that everything that is shared in this room stays in this room.”
    心与钥匙  – “为了让我们所有人都能敞开心扉,安心地在这个小组中分享我们的感受,我们必须保证在这个房间里分享的所有内容都不外传。”
  5. Heart – “As we become more open with ourselves and with each other, we need to do this with compassion.”
    – “因为我们要对自己和他人更加坦诚,我们需要怀着慈悲之心来做这件事。”
  6. Baby swimming – “Just like learning to swim, there are some things we must learn by experiencing. This group is all about learning through experience and participation – not simply intellectually understanding or reading something. You do have to get ‘wet’ in the water to learn. Approach this as a baby who is just learning to swim would – with openness and curiosity. At the same time, don’t force yourself to go ‘too deep.’ Some may be ready to swim at deep water, while others may want to just dip their toes in the water. There is no need for comparison. Go at your own pace.”
    婴儿游泳 – “就像学习游泳一样,我们必须通过体验来学习一些东西。这个小组就是通过体验和参与来学习 – 不仅仅是从头脑层面理解或阅读某些东西。你必须在水中“浸湿”才能学习。把自己当作一个初学游泳的婴儿 – 保持开放心和好奇心。同时,不要强迫自己走得“太深”。有些人可能准备好了在深水中游泳,而其他人可能只想在水中打湿脚趾。没有必要与他人比较。根据自己的节奏进行就行了。”
  7. Emotional Faces – “Part of the getting wet is allowing yourself to be in touch with your emotions to the extent that you are willing to do so. This may also mean allowing others in the group to feel the emotions they need to feel. You can support one another without controlling each other’s emotions or telling one another how they ‘should’ feel. Try not to give advice, and simply allow each other the freedom to experience emotions without trying to rescue one another. It’s ok to feel exactly how you feel.”
    情绪脸 – “浸湿”的一部分作用是让你以自己感到舒适的程度为宜,去接触到你的情绪。这也意味着,允许小组中的其他人感受他们需要感受到的情绪。你们可以互相支持,但不要试图控制彼此的情绪,也别试图告诉对方‘应该’如何感受。尽量别向他人提建议,让对方自由地体验情绪,而不是试图拯救对方。无论你的感受是什么样的,都是可以的。”
  8. Footprints in the sand – “This group is an experiential and reflective journey. Each activity we do will build on the previous. Even if an activity does not make complete sense at the time, you may appreciate its meaning later on. Approach each activity with patience, openness, and reflection.”
    沙滩上的脚印 – “这个小组活动是一次体验和反思的旅程。我们所做的每项活动都是建立在过去的活动之上。即使某项活动在当下看来并非完全合理,你也会在今后体会到它的含义。请带着耐心、开放的心态和反思来进行每项活动。”


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Linking Hearts, Building Resilience 心相连,培韧性 Copyright © 2023 by Kenneth Po-Lun Fung, Josephine Pui-Hing Wong, Alan Tai-Wai Li is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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