Main Body

The Three Types

There are THREE (3) different types of metadata: descriptive, structural, and administrative.

Descriptive: describes a resource for purposes such as discovery and identification. It can include elements such as title, abstract, author, and keywords.

Structural:  indicates how compound objects are put together, for example, how pages are ordered to form chapters.

Administrative: provides information to help manage a resource, such as when and how it was created, file type and other technical information, and who can access it. There are several subsets of administrative data; two that are sometimes listed as separate metadata types are:

Rights management metadata, which deals with intellectual property rights
Preservation metadata, which contains information needed to archive and preserve a resource (Riley, 2017[1]).

Editing Metadata

What types of metadata can you find in this screenshot? (GP Software[2]).



Metadata: A Friendly Introduction Copyright © by Kay-lynn Saunders. All Rights Reserved.

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