

Following the INACSL best practices for pre-briefing (2021), faculty/facilitators should:

  • orient students to the simulation space, introduce technology and processes
  • establish a psychologically safe learning environment by reinforcing privacy and confidentiality with students
  • review anticipated learning objectives and expectations with students 


For synchronous delivery of simulation content, the facilitator could have a 5 minute review of scenario content and length, learning objectives, expectations of students during the simulation. During this stage, participatory questions could be answered.
For asynchronous delivery, same briefing content could be provided to students via written document or pre-recorded video of the facilitator.


Note to Faculty: This simulation can be used as individual scenes or sequentially depending on the focus and time available. 


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Quality and Safety for Care Transitions: The Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse Copyright © by Dr. Sherry Espin; Dr. Sue Bookey-Bassett; Dr. Donald Rose; Dr. Nancy Purdy; Beth Linkewich; Foujan Minooei Saberi; Sabrina Massoni Camilo; Armi C. Armesto-Heys; and Svetlana Golloshi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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