Virtual Simulations


This Gerontology section includes 5 virtual gaming simulations:

  1. Health History Interview (1 simulation)
  2. Meal Assistance Virtual Gaming Simulation (1 simulation)
  3. VGS: Transitions in Care (3 interconnected simulations)

1. Health History Interview

This virtual gaming simulation is focused on performing a health history interview with a client moving into a retirement home for a three-week stay.

Health History Interview

Direct link to virtual simulation

Open Education Resources that support this virtual simulation:

Funding for this project was provided by the Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing-FDC Simulation Grant

2. Meal Assistance Virtual Gaming Simulation


This virtual simulation promotes the application of knowledge and skills related to meal assistance of an individual diagnosed with dysphagia. In the game, you will be assisting a woman who is regaining her self-care abilities after having a stroke.

Meal Assistance Virtual Gaming Simulation

Direct link to virtual simulation



3. VGS: Transitions in Care

This trilogy of virtual gaming simulations is based on older adult transitions of care from home to acute care to palliative care. Transitions across sectors of healthcare are an important part of nursing care that can be difficult for older adults and their family caregivers to navigate. The focus of this trilogy is to draw the nurse’s attention to the transition from the outset of their encounter, reinforce continuity of care and person/family-centred practice. Each virtual simulation can be played as a stand-alone experience or used in sequence for continuity.

VGS: Transitions in Care

Funding for this project was provided by the Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing-FDC Simulation Grant