Actor and Mannequin Simulation

Quality and Safety for Care Transitions

Quality and Safety for Care Transitions: The Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse


This is a video-recorded, actor simulation aimed at developing Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) competencies for quality and safety in care transitions for stroke patients. The simulation focuses on the role of the APN in the context of an interprofessional integrated stroke care team coordinating the care of an older adult living with stroke and other comorbidities. The scenario evolves through two scenes which will include two care transitions: 1) acute care hospital to rehab hospital; and 2) rehab hospital back to home in the community.

Learning Outcomes 

  1. Describe the importance of having a specialized interprofessional stroke care team to ensure safety and quality of care through hospital to home care transitions  
  2. Apply knowledge of best practices to optimize patient safety in clinical practice 
  3. Demonstrate behaviours supportive of a patient safety culture, safety risk, teamwork, communication, and quality improvement  


For more information on this actor simulation, please contact:

Dr. Sherry Espin, RN, PhD (Lead), Associate Professor, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Toronto Metropolitan University


Dr. Sue Bookey-Bassett, RN, PhD, Assistant Professor, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Toronto Metropolitan University



Funding for this project was provided by the Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing FDC Simulation Grant