Virtual Simulations

Mental Health

This Mental Health section includes 2 virtual gaming simulations:

  1. Black Youth Mental Health
  2. Therapeutic Communication and Mental Health Assessment

1. Black Youth Mental Health

This simulation is meant to be a basic introduction to the mental health needs of Black youth. Please keep in mind that the topic of Black youth mental health is very complex, involving many nuances and intersections. Experiences of Black youth are not monolithic, and care must be taken to not assume that all Black youth have similar experiences with racism and discrimination.

Black Youth Mental Health Virtual Gaming Simulation


2. Therapeutic Communication and Mental Health Assessment

This game promotes the application of knowledge and skills related to establishing a therapeutic nurse-client relationship and completing a mental health assessment.

This resource was generously funded by the 2014-2015 Shared Online Course Fund through the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities (MTCU).

Therapeutic Communication and Mental Health Assessment