Book Title: Roughing it in the Bush

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Book Description: Roughing It in the Bush (1852)—full title Roughing It in The Bush: or, Forest Life in Canada—is a novel by English-born writer Susanna Moodie who immigrated to Upper Canada, near modern-day Peterborough, Ontario during the 1830s. The idea of the novel was suggested to Moodie by her editor, who sought to create a "guide" for British subjects considering settling Canada.
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Book Description
Roughing It in the Bush (1852)—full title Roughing It in The Bush: or, Forest Life in Canada—is a novel by English-born writer Susanna Moodie who immigrated to Upper Canada, near modern-day Peterborough, Ontario during the 1830s. The idea of the novel was suggested to Moodie by her editor, who sought to create a “guide” for British subjects considering settling Canada.
This work (Roughing it in the Bush by Susanna Moodie) is free of known copyright restrictions.