Session 4: Integrated ACT Processes, Collective Empowerment Strategies

4.3(A & B) Sharing of Take-Away Activities: Mindfullness and CHAMP Application

Learning Objectives:

  • To reflect on the application of mindfulness and ACE within our everyday lives
  • To increase awareness and skills in applying ACE by sharing lived experiences, strategies and tips

Materials: Markers, Flipchart

Time Required: 30 Minutes

Activities & Instructions

Instructions to Participants:
Part A: Sharing of Mindfulness Practice (15 min)
  • Facilitator says, “Our next activity is on sharing of our take away activities. We will start with our reflection on our experiences and insights on practicing mindfulness. Since this is our last session today, I would invite you to share some insights you have gained in the last couple of weeks about what you have found challenging when you practice mindfulness and what strategies you have found to be helpful to address some of these challenges. Who would like to share?”
  • Facilitator invites participants to share in popcorn style, a co-facilitator can help jot down the “challenges” and “strategies” on flipchart paper as participants share.
  • After participants’ sharing, facilitator thank participants and continue with the next step.
Part B: Sharing of CHAMP Skill Applications (15 min)
  • Facilitator says, “Moving on now to the CHAMP skills: can we share some of the experiences where you have the chance to use some of the CHAMP skills in your daily lives? What worked well? What were some of the challenges?”
  • Facilitator invites participants to share their experiences in popcorn style. After hearing from the participants.
    Facilitator summarizes:
    “Thank you all for sharing. As we have heard and learnt from each other, there are many opportunities where we can practice CHAMP skills just as we do mindfulness. As with mindfulness practice we discussed earlier, these skills can enable us to address some of the habitual behaviors and social conditioning that we have been accustomed to, but it does require our conscious or mindful effort to integrate and practice them in our lives; so we hope that sharing our strategies have been helpful to support our ongoing learning and practices.”


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CHAMPs-In-Action Training Manual Copyright © 2023 by Alan Tai-Wai Li, Josephine PH Wong, Kenneth Po-Lung Fung is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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