Book Title: 3D Interactive Plots for Multivariate Calculus

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Book Description: An open textbook created to improve both teaching and learning vital concepts and techniques in multivariable calculus, one of the fundamental courses across the undergraduate curriculum in science and engineering. The goals of this resource are to help learners develop their geometric intuition about abstract and complex mathematical concepts (e.g., partial derivatives, multiple integrals, vector fields), and train them to make connections between concepts visually (e.g., connecting “vectors” in mathematics with “magnitude” and “direction” in physics) in order to more fully understand engineering, physics and mathematical problems (e.g., differential equations) in their subsequent STEM coursework.
Book Information
3D Interactive Plots for Multivariate Calculus Copyright © 2022 by Dr. Na Yu, Ryerson University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.