Original Project Brief (March 3, 2020)
Project Brief – Longhouse OER Course Module
Project Goal:
- To design and develop Indigenously informed pedagogies, through a single test course module, in support of the combination of a virtual and interactive learning environment
- Support the exploration of the historical and archaeological known knowledge, to multimodal lens in the interpretation of that knowledge
- Augment the Ryerson University HST 580 Natives and Newcomers to 1763 course
- Examine the use of digital cultural heritage as a means of knowledge mobilization
- To create a classroom experience of the Longhouse OER VR and/or game experience that is engaging, rich, meaningful and respectful
Situation Analysis:
- Instructors are looking for classroom resources that are easy to integrate into existing curricula
- Education funding cuts have eliminated or reduced access to Indigenous educational resources and programming (ie. Ontario Government’s cuts to Indigenous Culture Fund)
- Many university, college and high school instructors have requested the 3D Visualization of Eastern Woodlands Indigenous History
- Instructors and faculty in post-secondary and secondary institutions
- Learners in post-secondary and secondary schools
Audience Empathy Map:
Thinking and feeling: Resource- and time-strapped, they want something easy to use, turn-key and with minimal need for rework
Hearing: That experiential, full-sensory and immersive learning is a powerful tool for pedagogy
Seeing: A limited pool of Indigenous educational resources; a limited sample of digital cultural heritage approaches and processes
Saying and doing: They are looking for a way to bring this into existing coursework and do so in a way that is informed by Indigenous educational frameworks, and integrate the content into existing learning in a way that is engaging, informed and respectful
Pain: Need to do more with less
Gain: Improve and enrich student experiences and understanding of course materials
- Use evidence-informed community consultation models such as focus groups, virtual town halls and student/Indigenous/instructor advisory boards to inform and execute the project
- Leverage design thinking and empathy mapping with key communities to gather requirements and validate project direction
- Developed a multi-modal approach to the creation of materials informed by Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Proposed Deliverables:
Based on the primary audience, we envision the following tools and deliverables would be in scope.
A Pressbooks-based module which includes the following sections:
Instructor resources
- Lesson plan
- Presentation slides
- Lesson scripts
- List of high-yield questions
- Answer keys
- Sample student perspectives
- Troubleshooting guides
- Classroom management tips
Student Resources
- Active learning exercises (quizzes, sharing circles, one-minute papers, creative reflections, building projects, mind mapping, etc.)
- Discussion boards, Hypothes.is threaded annotation, peer discussions and evaluations
- Self reflection and journaling