Module 2: Direct Comprehensive Primary Care in the LTC Setting
63 2.7.6 End-of-Life Care
End-of-life care:
- Final stages of life, where death is imminent and anticipated
- Goal to prioritize comfort, preserve dignity and maintain a high-quality life
- EOL care is tailored to align with the preferences, values, expectations, and goals
EOL care should be differentiated from palliative care:
- EOL care is specifically tailored to the terminal phase
- Palliative care is not restricted by a specific timeline
- Palliative care is often provided alongside curative or life-prolonging treatments
- EOL care, curative treatments are no longer pursued and the goal shifts to comfort care[1][2][3][4][5][6]
Barriers to providing quality EOL care include:
- Motivation barriers
- Capability barriers
- Opportunity barriers
Systematic process of providing EOL care as outlined by the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association (2013):
- Stage 1: Assessment
- Stage 2: Information sharing
- Stage 3: Decision making
- Stage 4: Care planning
- Stage 5: Care delivery
- Stage 6: Confirmation[7][8]