Module 1: Introduction & Overview of NP Role in LTC
1.1 Background
Jurisdictional Policy Scan: Nurse Practitioners
A nurse practitioner (NP) is a registered nurse with master’s level education & experience with competencies to:
•Autonomously diagnose
•Order and interpret diagnostic tests
•Prescribe pharmaceuticals
•Perform specific procedures
•Admit & discharge from hospital
NPs practice within their legislated scope of practice, support individuals, communities and populations in different settings across Canada.
From the 2022 pan-Canadian statistics review of regulated nurses according to the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)[1][2], the following was identified:
•7,113 NPs working in direct patient care in Canada
•Number of NPs increased between 2021 and 2022 by 10%
•NPs were the largest increase of all nursing designations and one of the fastest growing professions in health care
•Majority of NPs were educated in Canada