Module 1: Introduction & Overview of NP Role in LTC

1.6 APN Practice Framework

Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) includes nurses with both clinical expertise and graduate education preparation, including clinical nurse specialists (CNS) & nurse practitioners (NPs).

The Pan-Canadian APN Framework consists of 8 practice domains that include:

  1. Direct Comprehensive Care
  2. Education
  3. Research
  4. Leadership
  5. Consultation & Collaboration
  6. Optimizing Health System
  7. Unique Competencies
  8. Continuing Competence[1]

Optional Reading: Advanced Practice Nursing: A Pan-Canadian Framework: 2_1136 Advanced Practice Nursing framework EN.indd (

  1. Canadian Nurses Association, 2019


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Nurse Practitioners Delivering Primary Care in the Long Term Care Setting Copyright © 2024 by Erin Ziegler, Carrie Heer and Adhiba Nilormi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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