Module 1: Introduction & Overview of NP Role in LTC
1.7.3 Leadership
- Provides leadership in managing clinical care & acts as resource, educator & role model
- Acts as a preceptor, mentor & coach to nursing colleagues, other health care team members & students
- Promotes the NP role to clients, other HCPs, social & public service sectors, the public, legislators and policy-makers
- Provides leadership in the development & integration of the NP role in the health care system
- Advocates for & participates in creating a practice environment that supports safe care, collaborative practice & professional growth
- Guides, initiates & provides leadership in the development & implementation of standards, practice guidelines, education, research & quality assurance initiatives
- Guides, initiates and provides leadership in policy related activities to influence practice, health services & public policy[1]
- Canadian Nurses Association, 2010 ↵