Module 1: Introduction & Overview of NP Role in LTC

Introduction and Overview of Nurse Practitioner Role in Long Term Care

In this module, you will identify the role of the Nurse Practitioner (NP) in the Long-Term Care (LTC) setting. This includes a review of the background of the NP in LTC, models of practice in LTC, related legislation and review of the Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) framework and NP Core Competencies.

You will further explore APN practice frameworks and NP competencies to develop, integrate and evaluate the role of the NP in the LTC setting while examining the related LTC legislation and application of NP legislative and governing bodies. This exploration will support you in shaping and defining your LTC NP role, scope of practice and opportunities to optimize NP practice and promote positive outcomes for residents in LTC.

This curriculum is designed around the APN framework and will explore each of the components of the framework which will build upon knowledge, skill and expertise of a NP while providing specialty knowledge to support in developing, implementing, sustaining and evaluating the NP role in LTC.

This module is offered through asynchronous learning format including self-directed and reflective learning, videos and pre and post-test evaluation to support your learning needs.

Learning Objectives

This module will enable nurse practitioners, primary care practitioners and students to:

  1. Explore and understand the role of a NP in the LTC setting including models of care and its related legislation.
  2. Review the APN practice framework and NP core competencies and apply these components to NP LTC practice.
  3. Discuss the relation of both the APN practice framework and NP core competencies and identify opportunities to apply into LTC practice.


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Nurse Practitioners Delivering Primary Care in the Long Term Care Setting Copyright © 2024 by Erin Ziegler, Carrie Heer and Adhiba Nilormi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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