Module 2: Direct Comprehensive Primary Care in the LTC Setting
49 2.5.7 Mental Health
The Canadian Institute for Health Information (2019) identified that 41% of residents in LTC have psychiatric conditions
Recommendations to support seniors with mental health include:
- Promotion strategies
- Prevention and early identification
- Integrated service system
Additional Implementation Facilitators include:
- Use of benchmarks to review existing services, staffing & resource development
- Need for cultural safety
- Partnership & collaboration
- Use of technology to facilitate access
- training , education & support for health care providers[1][2]
Mood & Anxiety:
- Depression
- Anxiety
Treatment includes:
- Moniter Na, SIADH, suicide risk
- Consider QT prolongation
- 2-3 trials before SSRIs are a “failed trial”
- Consider geriatric psychiatry consult
- Consider adjunct treatment
- Consider addition of non-pharmacological therapies[3][4]