Module 5: Leadership & LTC Practice
129 5.3.2 Wound Care
LTC residents are at higher risk of pressure ulcer injury due to multifactorial co-morbidities. Strategies to address wound care in LTC homes should focus on prevention.[1]
Additionally there are challenges with staff awareness, education and limited access to products that are available in other healthcare sectors. Engaging interdisciplinary team working group to address prevalence of wounds in LTC as well as implement strategies to prevent pressure ulcers:
- Developing wound resource team of trained clinicians who share a common interest in wound care to support frontline staff in implementing strategies as well as building confidence in wound prevention
- Developing resource material to support knowledge translation among care team
- Engaging leadership support to ensure sustainability
- Ensuring staff have appropriate supplies to manage wounds and pressure injuries in LTC
- McDonald, 2018 ↵