Module 5: Leadership & LTC Practice
130 5.3.3 Fall Prevention
Research demonstrates that falls are multifactorial and require an interdisciplinary treatment approach (Wingood et al., 2017).
LTC homes can support fall prevention through the development and implementation of falls prevention programs. When considering an interdisciplinary approach to falls prevention and management, it is important to recognize the values and expertise of the team including pharmacy, dietary, allied health (PT/OT), leadership, nursing and clinician (MD/NP).
Opportunities for falls prevention and management include:
- Highlight gaps in current practice and work collaboratively to address within LTC setting
- Imbedding triggers for high risk factors contributing to falls in organization documenting system
- Review evidence based strategies for falls reduction
- Work collaboratively to implement strategies into institutional policy and procedures
- Reviewing education opportunities which will benefit frontline staff in knowledge translation and implementation[1][2][3]